Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Linux workstations Leap (42)lxclxopEcgate
Default user version4.
New test version4.911.304.911.304.911.304.911.30
Old back-up version4.

Magics Version 4



  • User defined coastlines: Magics has the possibility for users to use their own set of shapefiles as coastlines. In this version, we added a parameter map_user_layer_land_colour(Default:NONE). If given a colour , the user coastlines will be filled.

    Image Added
  • Observations plotting using template(Small issues fixed): Magics allows users to define a XML template to display observations-like information.
    The template describes how to position the information.  Users is able to pass a json object as observation, and Magics will use the template to position the different items of the observation.

Image Added

  • LineString in GeoJSon: Magics is now supporting the feature Linestring from the GeoJSON format.

    Image Added

  • Fortran interface : A bug fix when calling popen/pclose several times. 

Magics Version 4.10.0 

  • The list of predefined geographical areas has been aligned with the list of geographical areas offered in the opencharts catalogue. To use them :
