Versions Compared


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  • obtain and extract the SCM test-case package.
  • source the load the SCM environment variables by source the to load the SCM environment variables

Extract SCM test-case package



The untarred SCM package is small, ~45 Mb and data produced by a standard individual SCM simulation is also low. However, if I user is planning to perform many simulations and store the data, which is often the case, the disk space usage can become large. If this is the plan, then a user may need to consider installing the SCM test-case package on a larger disk area than HOME

Load SCM environment variables

As with OpenIFS, the operation of the SCM depends on some environment variables being loaded. The recommended way to load is by sourcing the file, i.e., 

Code Block
source /path/to/file/location/
# using our installation example:
# source $HOME/openifs-48r1.1/

This will load all the OpenIFS and SCM environment variables. The OpenIFS variables are described in Getting started, so here we focus on the SCM variables, which are defined in, with comments

Code Block
#---Single-column model environment variables
#---Test case list, which can contain DYCOMS, BOMEX AND TWPICE

#---SCM experiment name, please set to anything that is relevant
#---to your test
export SCM_EXPT_NAME="ref-oifs-scm-dp"

#---Path to the executable for the SCM. This is the
#---default path for the exe, produced by
#---DP means double precision. To run single precision change
#---DP to SP
export SCM_EXEC="${OIFS_HOME}/build/bin/MASTER_scm.DP"

#---Default assumed paths, only change if you know what you are doing
export SCM_TEST="${OIFS_HOME}/scripts/scm"
export SCM_RUNDIR="${OIFS_EXPT}/scm_openifs/48r1/scm-projects/ref48r1"
export SCM_PROJDIR="${OIFS_EXPT}/scm_openifs/48r1/scm-projects"
export SCM_VERSIONDIR="${OIFS_EXPT}/scm_openifs/48r1"