- Data portal
The simplest way how to get rather smaller ad hoc data samples (approximately up-to 20 000 retrieved fields per request) Batch access
The ECMWF access in batch should be used for most common types of work (big data samples retrievals).Info In order to retrieve data efficiently users should follow the instructions about S2S reforecasts retrieval efficiency. Find here examples of efficient retrieval scripts for different S2S datasets via ECMWF Web API
- CMA data portal
The 2nd official S2S data portal where all data from all partners can be downloaded. - IRI library
- the IRI Data Library hosts the Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S) forecast and reforecast data downloaded from ECMWF for the research
- the IRI Data Library hosts the Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S) forecast and reforecast data downloaded from ECMWF for the research
Be aware that the links below might work depending on the browser used. Authentification using provided user ID and password can be needed depending on the browser and user location.
MJO RMMs indices
- FTP: ftp://s2sidx:s2sidx@acquisitions2sidx@aux.ecmwf.int/RMMS
- WEB: https://acquisitionaux.ecmwf.int/ecpds/data/list/RMMS (user: s2sidx password: s2sidx)
Tropical cyclone tracks:
- FTP: ftp://s2sidx:s2sidx@acquisitions2sidx@aux.ecmwf.int/TCYC
- WEB: https://acquisitionaux.ecmwf.int/ecpds/data/list/TCYC (user: s2sidx password: s2sidx)
European Weather Regimes:
- FTP: ftp://s2sidx:s2sidx@aux.ecmwf.int/EWR
- WEB: https://aux.ecmwf.int/ecpds/data/list/EWR (user: s2sidx password: s2sidx)
Sudden Stratospheric Warming Index:
- FTP: ftp://s2sidx:s2sidx@aux.ecmwf.int/SSW
- WEB: https://aux.ecmwf.int/ecpds/data/list/SSW (user: s2sidx password: s2sidx)
- ecCodes
ecCodes is an evolution of ECMWF's GRIB-API. It is designed to provide the user with a simple set of functions to access data from several formats with a key/value approach.. All TIGGE fields in GRIB2 format could be explored and manipulated using ecCodes. - grib2_to_netcdf
grib2_to_netcdf is an NCAR conversion utility built on the ECMWF GRIB_API and Unidata NetCDF libraries. The utility converts regular lat/lon gridded S2S data from GRIB-2 to NetCDF format. - Example of NetCDF to S2S compliant scripts (kindly provided by BoM)