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e.g. Example scripts for EFAS and GloFAS


Retrieve data from CDS *add link to CDS API

Retrieve from CDS
import cdsapi

c = cdsapi.Client()

c.retrieve('efas-historical', {
  "format": "netcdf",
  "hday": ["15","16","17","18"],
  "hmonth": "november",
  "hyear": "2020",
  "model_levels": "surface_level",
  "system_version": "version_4_0",
  "time": ["00:00","06:00","18:00"],
  "variable": "river_discharge_in_the_last_6_hours"

        'format': 'netcdf',
        'originating_centre': 'ecmwf',
        'product_type': 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts',
        'variable': 'river_discharge_in_the_last_6_hours',
        'model_levels': 'surface_level',
        'year': '2020',
        'month': '11',
        'day': '15',
        'time': '00:00',
        'leadtime_hour': [
            '6', '12', '18',
            '24', '30', '36',
            '42', '48', '54',
            '60', '66', '72',

        'format': 'netcdf',
        'originating_centre': 'ecmwf',
        'product_type': 'high_resolution_forecast',
        'variable': [
            'soil_depth', 'volumetric_soil_moisture',
        'model_levels': 'soil_levels',
        'year': '2019',
        'month': '01',
        'day': '30',
        'time': '00:00',
        'leadtime_hour': [
            '6', '12', '18',
            '24', '30', '36',
            '42', '48', '54',
            '60', '66', '72',
        'soil_level': [
            '1', '2', '3',

Plot discharge


Soil moisture

Snow depth water equivalent

GloFAS Medium-range reforecast (download time series)

The script shows how to retrieve the control reforecasts product from year 1999 to 2018, relative to the date 2019-01-03, for two station coordinates, one on the river network of the Thames and the other one on the Po river. 

import cdsapi
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_monthsdays(start =[2019,1,1],end=[2019,12,31]):
    # reforecast time index
    start, end = datetime(*start),datetime(*end)
    days = [start + timedelta(days=i) for i in range((end - start).days + 1)]
    monthday = [d.strftime("%B-%d").split("-")  for d in days if d.weekday() in [0,3] ]   

    return monthday

# get date index
MONTHSDAYS = get_monthsdays() 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = cdsapi.Client()

    # set station coordinates (lat,lon)
    COORDS = {
            "Po":[44.85, 11.65]
    # select all years
    YEARS  = ['%d'%(y) for y in range(1999,2019)]
    # select all leadtime hours
    LEADTIMES = ['%d'%(l) for l in range(24,1128,24)]
    # loop over date index
    for md in MONTHSDAYS:

        month = md[0].lower()
        day = md[1]
		# loop over coordinates
        for station in COORDS:

            station_point_coord = COORDS[station]*2 # coordinates input for the area keyword
                    'system_version': 'version_2_2',
                    'variable': 'river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours',
                    'format': 'grib',
                    'hydrological_model': 'htessel_lisflood',
                    'product_type': 'control_reforecast',
                    'hyear': YEARS,
                    'hmonth': month ,
                    'hday': day ,
                    'leadtime_hour': LEADTIMES,

Plot retrieved data:

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

YEARS = range(1999,2019)

# read dataset
ds = xr.open_dataset("glofas_reforecast_Po_january_03.grib",engine="cfgrib")
da = ds.isel(latitude=0,longitude=0).dis24

# plotting parameters
n = len(YEARS) 
colors =,1,n))
ls = ["-","--",":"]

# plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,8))

steps = list(range(24,dsa.shape[1]*24+24,24))

for i,year in enumerate(YEARS):
    y = da.sel(time=f"{year}-01-03").values

ax.set_xlabel("leadtime hours")
ax.set_ylabel("m**3 s**-1")

plt.title(f"Po river discharge at {float(ds.latitude.values),round(float(ds.longitude.values),2)}")

GloFAS Medium-range reforecast (download time series for an event)

This script shows how to retrieve a point time series reforecast on the river Thames for a single forecast reference time, specifically the 11th of July 2007.

import cdsapi
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_monthsdays(start =[2019,1,1],end=[2019,12,31]):
    # reforecast time index
    start, end = datetime(*start),datetime(*end)
    days = [start + timedelta(days=i) for i in range((end - start).days + 1)]
    monthday = [d.strftime("%B-%d").split("-")  for d in days if d.weekday() in [0,3] ]   

    return monthday

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = cdsapi.Client()

    # station coordinates (lat,lon)
    COORDS = {
    # select date index corresponding to the event 
    MONTHSDAYS = get_monthsdays(start =[2019,7,11],end=[2019,7,11])

    YEAR  = '2007' 

    LEADTIMES = ['%d'%(l) for l in range(24,1128,24)]
    # loop over date index (just 1 in this case)
    for md in MONTHSDAYS:

        month = md[0].lower()
        day = md[1]

        # loop over station coordinates
        for station in COORDS:

            station_point_coord = COORDS[station]*2 # coordinates input for the area keyword

                    'system_version': 'version_2_2',
                    'variable': 'river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours',
                    'format': 'grib',
                    'hydrological_model': 'htessel_lisflood',
                    'product_type': ['control_reforecast','ensemble_perturbed_reforecasts'],
                    'hyear': YEAR,
                    'hmonth': month ,
                    'hday': day ,
                    'leadtime_hour': LEADTIMES,

In July 2007 a series of flooding events hit the UK, in particular in some areas of the upper Thames catchment up to 120 mm of rain fell between 19th and 20th of July.

Plot retrieved data:

import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from datetime import datetime,timedelta

forecast_reference_time = datetime(2017,7,11)

# read perturbed ensembles (dataType:pf)
ds = xr.open_dataset("glofas_reforecast_Thames_july_11.grib",engine="cfgrib",backend_kwargs={'filter_by_keys':{'dataType': 'pf'}})
da = ds.isel(latitude=0,longitude=0).dis24

# read control (dataType:cf)
cds = xr.open_dataset("glofas_reforecast_Thames_july_11.grib",engine="cfgrib",backend_kwargs={'filter_by_keys':{'dataType': 'cf'}})
cda = cds.isel(latitude=0,longitude=0).dis24

start = forecast_reference_time
end = start + timedelta(45)
time = pd.date_range(start,end)

# plotting parameters
ls = ["-","--",":"]
locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=2, maxticks=46)
formatter = mdates.DateFormatter("%b-%d")

# plot

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,8))
for i,number in enumerate(range(0,10)):
    y = da.isel(number=number).values
    ax.plot(time,y,label=f"ensemble {number}",color=colors[i],ls=ls[i%3])

ax.axvspan(datetime(2017,7,19), datetime(2017,7,21), alpha=0.3, color='blue') # highlight event
ax.set_ylabel("m**3 s**-1")
plt.title(f"Forecast reference time: 11-07-2007 - Thames river discharge at {float(ds.latitude.values),round(float(ds.longitude.values-360),2)}")

  • No labels