
14:20 and 15:00



  • CGMS WG2 presentation of G3W

Discussion items

  • From: Justin Shenolikar <>
    Date: Friday, 2 February 2024 at 09:40
    To: Gianpaolo Balsamo <>
    Cc: Paolo Ruti <>
    Subject: Invitation: CGMS-WG-II meeting in April - G3W
  • Dear Gianpaolo Balsamo,

    I hope that you are well. My name is Justin Shenolikar and I work for EUMETSAT. I am writing you as a representative for the coordination group for meteorological satellites (CMGS) working group II (WG-II)’s rapporteur, Paolo Ruti, as well as the other chairs and rapporteurs. Between April 22 and April 26,  we will host the annual meeting of the CGMS working groups here at EUMETSAT HQ in Darmstadt, Germany. The WG-II, specifically, will have their meeting on Monday the 22nd and Tuesday 23rd of April.

    One of the topics we would like to address during the working group meetings concerns Climate and Greenhouse Gas observations. As such, we believe it would be a very good opportunity to extend an invitation to you, should you be able to, to present the WMO’s Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W) initiative to the CGMS. At the moment, in our working agenda, the presentation would be scheduled for Monday 22nd April, falling between 14:20 and 15:00, although we can change this to accommodate your schedule as required, at this stage. The slot would be 20 minutes for presentation, plus discussion.

    CGMSSEC has informed me that should you be willing and able to attend, you could be added to the WMO delegation and we would then send you a formal letter of invitation. Alternatively, there will be the possibility to attend and present virtually, should this be your preference.

    Please let us know if this would interest you. Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Best Regards,

    -Justin Shenolikar

    Justin Shenolikar

    Scientific Analyst

    Chief Scientist Division


    Eumetsat-Allee 1

    64295 Darmstadt


    Tel: +49 6151 807 4769

    Fax: +49 6151 807 4769




 WMO Dear EUMETSAT Colleagues,

I am delighted to accept this invitation to present G3W to CGMS-WG-II and I have blocked the day & hours in my agenda. It is my (and ours) intention to have one of us travelling to EUMETSAT, but I will be able to confirm who will travel within a few days, as soon as I can consult with my WMO Colleagues in cc. 

This morning we have been listening to an inspiring keynote of EUMETSAT Director General Phil Evans, and Head of CGMSSecretariat, at the CM-15 High-Level Satellite-Policy meeting. We are grateful for commitments to support G3W and EW4All flagships of WMO and the crucial role of EUMETSAT. 

For G3W, I am looking forward to illustrate the progress in April at the CGMS-WG-II meeting, that will take place the week after the WMO INFCOM-3, the key Inter-governmental meeting of INFCOM, the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems.

Kindest regards,

Gianpaolo, on behalf of G3W Team

Action items
