CMC has been decoding Canadian SYNOP in BUFR since the beginning of 2014 on a regular basis.  On 27 January 2015, the Canadian surface network started disseminating 72 synop stations (out of 875) in BUFR on the GTS.  This was announced in the following GENOT in 2015:


As of 20 august 2015, SYNOP bulletins in BUFR are being disseminated by bundling all Canadian SYNOP reports.  For more information, please consult the following GENOTs for main/intermediate SYNOP bulletins.

Main SYNOP bulletins:


Intermediate SYNOP bulletins:


Users may contact

Canadian synop in BUFR will be examined in 2022-2023 for consideration in our NWP systems. 


CMC has been decoding Canadian upper-air data in BUFR since the beginning of 2014 on a regular basis.  The gradual conversion to BUFR format of the Canadian upper air network is underway.  The dissemination of BUFR data began in December 2013 and all Canadian sites are currently available on the GTS.  For the time being, the full resolution profile (sampling every second) is not yet available but will be shortly as the Upper Air Network will be transitioning to a new vendor. The pre-selection vertical levels will be replaced by high reolusion profiles in BUFR.  Canadian BUFR data contain the drift of the radiosonde.  For more information, please consult the following GENOT.


As of 28 October 2020 at 12 UTC, all Canadian upper air stations have transitioned to GRAW type radiosondes, except for Whitehorse (an old autolauncher).