I need to list all variable accessible by all task's called 'fred' under a given path. /suite/main
./list_variables.py --host my_host --port 4141 --path /suite/main --task fred
I need to validate that variable is of a given value, for all tasks of a given name.
Here I need to list all tasks where the variable value is NOT 12 for a variable of name PGNODES, for all tasks of name prodgen under suite /emc
./list_variables.py --host machine1 --port 43333 --path /emc --task prodgen --var_name PGNODES --not_value 12
#////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 # Name : # Author : Avi # Revision : $Revision: #10 $ # # Copyright 2009-2019 ECMWF. # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation # nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. #////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 import ecflow import os import sys import argparse # for argument parsing def list_used_variables(node,ARGS): # make a list of all nodes up the parent hierarchy parent_hierarchy = [] parent_hierarchy.append(node) parent = node.get_parent() while parent: parent_hierarchy.append(parent) parent = parent.get_parent() # now reverse the list parent_hierarchy.reverse() # now create a map of all used variables going down the hierarchy. # Allow variable lower down the hierarchy to override parent variables variable_map = {} for node in parent_hierarchy: for var in node.variables: variable_map[var.name()] = var.value() # finally print the used variables if ARGS.var_name: if ARGS.not_value: # use exact match for key for key in variable_map: if ARGS.var_name == key: if ARGS.not_value != variable_map[key]: print("edit " + key + " '" + variable_map[key] + "'") else: # use substring match for variable name for key in variable_map: if ARGS.var_name in key: print("edit " + key + " '" + variable_map[key] + "'") else: for key in variable_map: print("edit " + key + " '" + variable_map[key] + "'") def get_host(): host = os.getenv("ECF_NODE") if not host: host = "localhost" return host; if __name__ == "__main__": DESC = """List variables below a given path for a given task name, - optionally match variable name - optionally report when the value does match. Usage: Example1: List all the variables used by task fred, below path /suite/x ./list_variables.py --host cca --port 4141 --path /suite/x --task fred Example2: List all the variables used by task pdb, below path /emc_41r2 and which match PGNODES ./list_variables.py --host vsms2 --port 43333 --path /emc_41r2 --task pdb --var_name PGNODES Example3: List all the variables used by task prodgen, below path /emc_41r2 and which match PGNODES and where the variable value does *NOT* match '6' ./list_variables.py --host vsms2 --port 43333 --path /emc_41r2 --task prodgen --var_name PGNODES --not_value 6 """ PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESC, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) PARSER.add_argument('--host', default = get_host(), help="The name of the host machine. Can be obtained from the ecflow GUI") PARSER.add_argument('--port', default = os.getenv("ECF_PORT"), help="The port on the host, Can be obtained from the ecflow GUI", type=int) PARSER.add_argument('--path', required = True, help="The path to start listing of variables below. i.e. /emc_41r2") PARSER.add_argument('--task', required = True, help="The name of the task for which we want to list variables") PARSER.add_argument('--var_name', help="Optionally match with the variable name. Uses exact match when using --not_value") PARSER.add_argument('--not_value', help="report if variable value does not match the provided value.Only works when --var_name specified") ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() print(ARGS) # =========================================================================== CL = ecflow.Client(ARGS.host, ARGS.port) try: CL.ping() # get the incremental changes, and merge with defs stored on the Client CL.sync_local() # check to see if definition exists in the server defs = CL.get_defs() if len(defs) == 0 : print("No suites found, exiting...") sys.exit(0) selected_node = defs.find_abs_node(ARGS.path) if selected_node == None: print("No node found at path " + ARGS.path) sys.exit(0) # now get all task of the given name below this path node_vec = selected_node.get_all_nodes() for node in node_vec: if not isinstance(node, ecflow.Task): continue if ARGS.task in node.name(): print("====================== ",node.get_abs_node_path()) list_used_variables(node,ARGS) except RuntimeError, ex: print("Error: " + str(ex)) print("Check host and port number are correct.")
1 Comment
Axel Bonet
Thanks for this!
this is a way to have a bottom up variable check capability
so far the top down version was provided with ls.py