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This icon runs the FLEXPART Lagrangian dispersion model and converts its outputs to formats Metview can work with. For help on editing icons, please see Editing Icons.

The macro language equivalent is flexpart_run().

The FLEXPART Run Editor

All the date parameters used for FLEXPART Run have yyyymmdd format. Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.                   

Exe Path

Specifies the FLEXPART executable. Both absolute and relative path can be given here. If left empty Metview will use the MV_FLEXPART_PATH environment variable to locate the executable.

Input Mode

Defines how the location of the input data and the AVAILABLE file is specified. If it is set to Icon the input is specified via a FLEXPART Prepare icon in parameter Input Data. While if it is set to Path then parameters Input Path and Available File Path specifie he input data. The default value is Icon.

Input Data

Holds a FLEXPART Prepare icon specifying the input data location. Enabled when Input Mode is set to Icon.

Input Path

Specifies the location of the input data (GRIB) files. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here. Enabled when Input Mode is set to Path. 

Available File Path

Specifies the location of the AVAILABLE file. If the default value (the string literal SAME_AS_INPUT_PATH) is set it indicates that the AVAILABLE file is located in the same directory as the input data. Enabled when Input Mode is set to Path.  

Output Path

Specifies the location of the output data files. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here.

Run Label

Specifies a run label for the FLEXPART simulation.

Simulation Direction

Specifies the FLEXPART simulation direction in time. The possible values are: Forward and Backward. The default value is Forward.

Starting Date

Specifies the beginning date of the simulation in a YYYYMMDD format.   Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.   

Starting Time

Specifies the beginning time of the simulation in a HH[:MM[:SS]] format. 

Ending Date

Specifies the ending date of the simulation in a YYYYMMDD format.   Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.   

Ending Time

Specifies the ending time of the simulation in a HH[:MM[:SS]] format. 

Output Rate

Specifies the frequency for the output generation. The output is averaged over the period given in Output Averaging Interval. The format is HHH[:MM[:SS]]. The default value is 3 (hours).

Output Averaging Interval

Specifies the averaging interval for the output generation in a HHH[:MM[:SS]] format.  If 0 is given here instantaneous values are written into the output files. The default value is 3 (hours).

Output Sampling Rate

Specifies the sampling rate used for the averaging of the output. This period must be shorter than the Output Averaging Interval. The format is HHH[:MM[:SS]]. The default value is 1 (hour).

Output Field Type

Specifies the type of the gridded output. The possible values are: none (no gridded output), conc (concentration), mixr (mixing ratio) and both (concentration and mixing ratio). The default value is conc. 

Output Flux

Specifies if the fluxes should be computed and written out as a gridded output (on or off). The default value is off. 

Output Trajectory

Specifies if the plume trajectories should be computed (on or off). The default value is off.

Output Area

Specifies the area for the gridded output in degrees in a S/W/N/E format. The default value is  -90/-180/90/180.

Output Grid

Specifies the grid resolution for the gridded output in degrees as east_west_resolution/north_south_resolution. The default value is 1/1

Output Levels

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Release Species

Specifies the list of the species released for the simulation. At all release locations the same species are emitted. The species are identified by the SPECIES_NNN files string the physical and chemical properties of species.  

Release Units

Specifies the concentration units of the released species. The possible options are mass and mixr (mixing ratio). The default value is mass. 


Specifies the releases as a group of FLEXPART Release icons. 

Receptor units

Specifies the concentration units at the receptor. For forward simulations this the units of the output concentrations. For backward simulations ????? The possible options are mass and mixr (mixing ratio). The default value is mass. 


Enables the usage of receptor sites for forward simulations (on or off). When it is enabled the list of receptor sites can be defined via Receptor Names, Receptor Latitudes and Receptor Longitude. The default value is off.

Receptor Names

Specifies the list of receptor site names.The default value is an empty list.

Receptor Latitudes

Specifies the list of receptor site latitudes. The default value is an empty list.

Receptors Longitudes

Specifies the list of receptor site longitudes. The default value is an empty list.


Specifies the list times for the age class calculation. The entries specify the of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Particle Splitting Constant

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Sync Interval

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.


Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Vertical Timestep Reduction

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Dump Particle Possition

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Subgrid Terrain

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.


Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Age Spectra

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Output For Each Release

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Domain Fill

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Quasi Lagrangian

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Nested Output

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Write Initial Conditions

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Flextra Time

Specifies the run time of the forecast . Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Forecast.

Flextra Step

Specifies the forecast steps in hours. Here a list of values is given. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Forecast.

Flextra Period Start Date

Specifies the start date of the period. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Period.

Flextra Period Start Time

Specifies the start time of the period. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Period.

Flextra Period End Date

Specifies the end date of the period. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Period.

Flextra Period End Time

Specifies the end time of the period. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Period.

Flextra Period Step

Specifies the time step of the period in hours. The allowed values are as follows: 3 or 6. Available when Flextra Prepare Mode is Period.

Flextra Area

Specifies the area of the output grid in south/west/north/east format. The default value is  -90/-180/90/180.

Flextra Grid

Specifies the resolution of the output grid in dx/dy format, where dx is the grid increment in east-west direction, while dy is the grid increment in north-south direction (both in units of degrees). The default value is: 1/1.

Flextra Top Level

Only data on and below this model level will be used to generate the FLEXTRA input fields. This level can be specified either as a model level or as a pressure value. In the latter case FLEXTRA Prepare will use the data retrieved for the first date to determine the topmost model level. The default value of this parameter is 1, which means that all the model levels will be used if Flextra Top Level Units is set to Model Levels.

Flextra Top Level Units

Specifies the units of the value of Flextra Top Level. The allowed values are Model Levels or hPa. The default value is Model Levels. 

Flextra Reuse Input

If this parameter is set On FLEXTRA Prepare checks the existence of the data files to be generated and if they are already in place no new data is retrieved and processed. If it is Off all the fields are always retrieved and processed and the existing data files are overwritten. The same happens to the AVAILABLE file. The existence of a FLEXTRA input GRIB file is checked by using the file name and a set of GRIB API keys from the first message in the file. These keys are as follows: date, time, stepRange, gridType, iDirectionIncrement, jDirectionIncrement, latitudeOfFirstGridPoint, latitudeOfLastGridPoint, longitudeOfFirstGridPoint, longitudeOfLastGridPoint.

Flextra Output Path

Specifies the output directory (it has to be an absolute path) where the GRIB files and the AVAILABLE file will be generated. If this directory does not exist Metview will create it. The output GRIB files have the following naming convention: ENyymmddhh.

1. Simulation direction, 1 for forward, -1 for backward in time


2. Beginning date and time of simulation. Must be given in format


   MI is MINUTE and SS is SECOND. Current version utilizes UTC.


3. Ending date and time of simulation. Same format as 3.


4. Average concentrations are calculated every SSSSS seconds.


5. The average concentrations are time averages of SSSSS seconds

   duration. If SSSSS is 0, instantaneous concentrations are outputted.


6. The concentrations are sampled every SSSSS seconds to calculate the time

   average concentration. This period must be shorter than the averaging time.


7. Time constant for particle splitting. Particles are split into two

   after SSSSS seconds, 2xSSSSS seconds, 4xSSSSS seconds, and so on.


8. All processes are synchronized with this time interval (lsynctime).

   Therefore, all other time constants must be multiples of this value.

   Output interval and time average of output must be at least twice lsynctime.


9. CTL must be >1 for time steps shorter than the  Lagrangian time scale

   If CTL<0, a purely random walk simulation is done


10.IFINE=Reduction factor for time step used for vertical wind


11.IOUT determines how the output shall be made: concentration

   (ng/m3, Bq/m3), mixing ratio (pptv), or both, or plume trajectory mode,

   or concentration + plume trajectory mode.

   In plume trajectory mode, output is in the form of average trajectories.


12.IPOUT determines whether particle positions are outputted (in addition

   to the gridded concentrations or mixing ratios) or not.

   0=no output, 1 output every output interval, 2 only at end of the



13.Switch on/off subgridscale terrain parameterization (increase of

   mixing heights due to subgridscale orographic variations)


14.Switch on/off the convection parameterization


15.Switch on/off the calculation of age spectra: if yes, the file AGECLASSES

   must be available


16. If IPIN=1, a file "partposit_end" from a previous run must be available in

    the output directory. Particle positions are read in and previous simulation

    is continued. If IPIN=0, no particles from a previous run are used


17. IF IOUTPUTFOREACHRELEASE is set to 1, one output field for each location

    in the RLEASE file is created. For backward calculation this should be

    set to 1. For forward calculation both possibilities are applicable.


18. If IFLUX is set to 1, fluxes of each species through each of the output

    boxes are calculated. Six fluxes, corresponding to northward, southward,

    eastward, westward, upward and downward are calculated for each grid cell of

    the output grid. The control surfaces are placed in the middle of each

    output grid cell. If IFLUX is set to 0, no fluxes are determined.


19. If MDOMAINFILL is set to 1, the first box specified in file RELEASES is used

    as the domain where domain-filling trajectory calculations are to be done.

    Particles are initialized uniformly distributed (according to the air mass

    distribution) in that domain at the beginning of the simulation, and are

    created at the boundaries throughout the simulation period.


20. IND_SOURCE switches between different units for concentrations at the source

    NOTE that in backward simulations the release of computational particles

    takes place at the "receptor" and the sampling of particles at the "source".

          1=mass units (for bwd-runs = concentration)

          2=mass mixing ratio units

21. IND_RECEPTOR switches between different units for concentrations at the receptor

          1=mass units (concentrations)

          2=mass mixing ratio units


22. MQUASILAG indicates whether particles shall be numbered consecutively (1) or

    with their release location number (0). The first option allows tracking of

    individual particles using the partposit output files


23. NESTED_OUTPUT decides whether model output shall be made also for a nested

    output field (normally with higher resolution)


24. LINIT_COND determines whether, for backward runs only, the sensitivity to initial

    conditions shall be calculated and written to output files

    0=no output, 1 or 2 determines in which units the initial conditions are provided.



  • No labels