NameVolumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)AbbreviationvoltsoUnitm3 m-3paramId260211
DefinitionSoil water content 2 days after saturation.
CommentIt is an auxiliary field which should be supplied with the field Volumetric soil water.
It should be archived with the same frequency as the static fields.

WMO GRIB2 definition

Discipline2land surface products
Parameter category3soil products
Parameter number11
Volumetric transpiration stress - onset (soil moisture)
Type of first fixed surface151soil level**
Scale factor of first fixed surface0 
Scaled value of first fixed surface0/1/2/3/.../X-1n-1 for the nth soil layer
Type of second fixed surface151soil level*
Scale factor of second fixed surface0 
Scaled value of second fixed surface1/2/3/.../Xn for the nth soil layer

**newly approved level type (WMO release in May 2016)


  1. Only M-F is going to produce it and it should be a constant for given grid-point.

    The volumetric version of field capacity does not exist yes in ECMWF's parameter database and will have to be added to the new version of GRIB-API.

  2. The paramID 260211 was identified as existing and equivalent to Volumetric field capacity so no need for the new one.

  3. We will have to specify to which level to relate this parameter. Generally they are soil depth dependant but not in UERRA case where they are constant (in M-F outputs). We should consider what is the best for the future as well in after UERRA  life as other people may need to reuse those definitions too.

  4. There seems to some conflicts in the variable descriptions in this page.

    The page title is the Volumetric field capacity:

    Whereas the name describes the "critical point":

    NameVolumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)

    The definition to me describes the wilting point:

    DefinitionSoil water content at which plants wilt and can no longer recover.

    All these are different CF compliant variables. It would be nice to get some clarity on this as we are trying to ingest into the CDS-toolbox. Any idea who would be good to contact?

    Many thanks,


    1. I fixed it hopefully as per Field capacity defined for TIGGE. Thanks.