This is a series of exercises that will walk you through the basic tasks as you get on board the Atos HPCF or ECS computing platforms.


In order to follow this tutorial, these are the prerequisites you must fulfil before starting:

  • You must have a valid ECMWF account with privileges to access HPCF or ECS. If you only have access to ECS, you may need to skip certain exercises involving HPCF.
  • You must have 2 Factor Authentication enabled with TOTP.
  • You must be able to connect with at least one of the following methods:

Logging in - Atos HPCF and ECS Introduction Tutorial

Reference Documentation

Let's explore how to connect to the ATOS HPCF or ECS.

Storage spaces - Atos HPCF and ECS Introduction Tutorial

Reference documentation

We will now explore the different options when it comes to storing your data.

Software stack environment - Atos HPCF and ECS Introduction Tutorial

Reference documentation

Atos HPCF and ECS computing platforms offer a wide range of software, libraries and tools. Let's go through some exercises to learn how to manage your software stack.

Working in Batch - Atos HPCF and ECS Introduction Tutorial

Reference Documentation

Let's explore how to use the Slurm Batch System to the ATOS HPCF or ECS.

Compiling - Atos HPCF and ECS Introduction Tutorial

Reference Documentation

The following exercises will help you understand how to build your own software on the ATOS HPCF or ECS.

ECaccess and ECaccess Web Toolkit tutorial

Let us explore the ECaccess Web Toolkit and ECaccess services. The web Toolkit can be installed on your local system; it is also available at ECMWF on ECS or HPC.

Availability of Web Toolkit

Reference Documentation