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This section presents some hints in MARS terms on how to name the different products. This is meant as a guideline and shows the keywords that select a specific data set, but not all keywords necessary to retrieve the data. Usually, operational archive data can be identified with the following MARS directives:

class  = od 
domain = g 
expver = 1

Atmospheric high-resolution forecast

stream = oper


type = an
  • Surface

    levtype = sfc
  • Model levels

    levtype  = ml
    levelist = 1/to/137
  • Pressure levels

    levtype  = pl
    levelist = 1000/850/500...
  • Isentropic levels

    levtype = pv/pt


type = fc
step = 12/to/240/by/12

First Guess  

type = fg
step = 6

Errors in Analysis  

type = ea

Errors in First Guess  

type = ef

Wave deterministic models

stream  = wave

Ensemble Forecast System

stream  = enfo/waef

Control Forecast  

type = cf
step = 12/to/360/by/12

Calibration/Validation Forecast  

type = cv
number = 1/2
step = 12/to/360/by/12

Perturbed Forecast  

type   = pf
number = 1/to/50
step   = 12/to/240/by/12

Forecast Probabilities  

type = fp
step = 24/to/240/by/24

Forecast mean probabilities  

type = fp
step = 144-168/144-240/192-240

Ensemble means  

type = em/es


type = cm/es


type = tu
step = 96
reference = 48/72/96

Extreme Forecast Index (EFI)  

type = efi

Trajectory forecast  

type = tf
obstype = 32

Boundary conditions

stream  = scda

Multi-Analyses Ensemble

stream  = maed/amap

Seasonal Forecast

system  = 4
method = 0/1


stream = seas
levtype = ml/pl/sfc


stream  = wasf


stream   = seas
levtype = dp
product = inst/tims/tacc/tavg
section = h/m/z/v

Monthly Forecast

stream = mofc/wamf

Monthly means


stream = mnth/wamo


stream = mnth/wamo
type   = cl

Monthly forecast  

stream = mofm/wmfm   (old system)
stream = mnfm/mfwm

Seasonal forecast  

stream = sfmm/swmm

Multi-model seasonal forecast  

stream = msmm
type   = em
origin = egrr/lfpw

Special datasets

Reanalyses ERA-15/ERA-40/ERA-Interim  

class = er/e4/ei


class = dm


class = pv


class = cs

Research or Member State's experiments

class  = rd
class  = at/be/hr/dk/fi/fr/de/gr/hu/is/ie/it/nl/no/pt/si/es/se/ch/tr/uk
expver = aaaa

Other Centres' data

stream = ammc/cwao/edzw/egrr/lfpw/rjtd/kwbc
  • No labels