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This example shell script:

  • executes an advanced MARS request (to calculate total precipitation)
  • sends the data to a remote site using ectrans

# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2021 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
# mars_ectrans      USER SERVICES  NOVEMBER 2021 - ECMWF
#       This shell-script:
#          - executes an advanced MARS request (to calculate 
#            total precipitation) 
#          - sends the data to a remote site using ectrans
#       This shell script produces the standard output file 
#         mars_ectrans.<JOB_ID>.out
#       in the working directory, containing the log of the job execution.    
#       ATTENTION:  To run this script it is recommended to have an   
#       ==========  ECaccess gateway installed at the remote site! 
#                   Alternatively you could use 
#                   You also need to modify the ectrans command at the
#                   end of the script to use the user-id you have 
#                   created/associated at the remote site.
#       For more information on ECaccess see 
# setting options for SLURM
# Options that are specified within the script file should precede the
# first executable shell command in the file. 
# All options, which are case sensitive, are preceded by #SBATCH. 
# These lines become active only when the script is submitted
# using the "sbatch" command. 
# All job output is written to the workdir directory, by default. 

#SBATCH --qos=ef

        # Specifies that your job will run in the queue (Quality Of
        # Service) "nf".

#SBATCH --job-name=mars_ectrans

        # Assigns the specified name to the request

#SBATCH --output=mars_ectrans.%j.out

        # Specifies the name and location of STDOUT where %j is the job-id
        # The file will be # written in the workdir directory if it is a 
        # relative path. If not given, the default is slurm-%j.out in the
        # workdir.

#SBATCH --error=mars_ectrans.%j.out

        # Specifies the name and location of STDERR where %j is the job-id
        # The file will be # written in the workdir directory if it is a 
        # relative path. If not given, the default is slurm-%j.outin the
        # workdir.

#SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/...

        # Sets the working directory of the batch script before it is
        # executed.

#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
        # Specifies that an email should be sent in case the job fails.
        # Other options include BEGIN, END, REQUEUE and ALL (any state
        # change).

#SBATCH --time=00:30:00

        # Specifies that your job my run up to HH:MM:SS of wall clock
        # time. The job will be killed if it exceeds this limit. If
        # time is not defined, the default limit for the queue (qos)
        # will be used.

# setting environment variables

export PATH=$PATH:.             # Allows you to run any of your programs or
                                # scripts held in the current directory (not 
                                # required if already done in your .user_profile 
                                # or .user_kshrc)
set -ev

module load eclib               # make ATOS utilities available (includes dateincr)
# commands to be executed

cd $SCRATCHDIR		        # All the files created in this directory will be
                                # deleted when the job terminates.

# MARS  request
export TRGF=europe.grib         # define target file 

export TMPDIR=$SCRATCHDIR       # set TMPDIR, where the MARS fieldsets are
                                # hold to (the much larger) SCRATCHDIR

# The following request retrieves the total precipitation for the 24
# hour period between 6UTC on DATE-1 to 6UTC on DATE. To avoid
# problems linked to model spin-up effects, the fields are retrieved
# from the 12 UTC forecast at DATE-2: 

export DATE=20130501            # set DATE 

#export FCDATE=$(dateincr -d $DATE -2)   
                                # set FCDATE to DATE -2 by using the 
                                # dateincr command

# Could use:

export FCDATE=$(date -d "${DATE} -2 days" +%Y%m%d)

# cat is used to read the MARS request from the input stream and to
# write it to the unique file 'request_$$'.  cat reads line by line
# until it reaches a line which starts with EOF.  

cat >request_$$ <<EOF         
retrieve,                   # retrieve large scale precipitation 12h+18
    class    = od,
    type     = fc,
    levtype  = sfc,
    param    = 142,
    date     = $FCDATE, 
    time     = 12,
    step     = 18,
    grid     = 2.5/2.5,
    area     = 75/-27.5/32.5/45,
    fieldset = lsr18
retrieve,                   # retrieve convective precipitation 12h+18
    param    = 143,
    fieldset = cvr18
retrieve,                   # retrieve large scale precipitation 12h+42
    step     = 42,
    param    = 142,
    fieldset = lsr42
retrieve,                   # retrieve convective precipitation 12h+42
    param    = 143,
    fieldset = cvr42
compute,                    # compute the total precipation 
    formula  = "(lsr42+cvr42)-(lsr18+cvr18)",
    fieldset = totr6to6
write,                      # write the result to target file
    fieldset = totr6to6,
    target   = "$TRGF"

mars request_$$

if [ $? != 0 ]                          # Check MARS exit code. 
      echo " The MARS request failed."
      exit 1

ls -l $TRGF

#                           W A R N I N G 
# Before executing this job:  
#       a) make sure your remote host is running a local ECaccess
#          gateway (or use the ECMWF gateway
#       b) make sure your ECMWF user-id is associated with a local 
#          (Member State) user-id; this can be done using your 
#          gateway's web-interface
#       c) change the following in the 'ectrans' line below: 
#   ms_uid             to be your user id on your local (Member 
#                      State) host 
#   your_gateway       to be your local ECaccess gateway 
#   and uncomment the lines below with the ectrans command
# To get a command summary, type: ectrans -help

module load ecaccess        # Makes ectrans available in the $PATH

# Uncomment the following lines after setting your_gateway and ms_uid
#ectrans -gateway your_gateway  -remote ms_uid@genericFtp \
#        -source $TRGF -verbose -onfailure

# tidy up by deleting unwanted files
# This is done automatically when using $SCRATCHDIR.

exit 0

# End of example job 'mars_ectrans'

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