In order to interpret CEMS-Flood (EFAS & GloFAS) model outputs in a correct way, you will need a number of auxiliary data, also referred to as the 'time invariant' data on the Early Warning Data Store (EWDS). These data are part of the EFAS and GloFAS setups of the LISFLOOD model. This page summarises the auxiliary datasets made available through the EWDS and how they should be used in combination with the model outputs.
EFAS Auxiliary Data
The auxiliary data are provided as small NetCDF files, and are available to download through the Early Warning Data Store (EWDS) on the EFAS pages.
The following five datasets are available:
- Upstream area
- Elevation
- Soil depth (3 soil levels)
- Wilting point (3 soil levels)
- Field capacity (3 soil levels)
- Flood threshold (9 severity levels) (from EFAS version 5)
For EFAS version 5.0, they are in WGS84. For versions 4.0 and older they are in the INSPIRE compliant ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Coordinate Reference System (ETRS-LAEA), also referred to as EPSG:3035. More information on the EFAS horizontal resolution is available in the model output page.
It is important for users to make sure they download the auxiliary data consistent with the dataset version of interest. This is because the auxiliary data sometimes change with a new EFAS cycle; for example, the upstream area is specific to the hydrological model configuration used which can change between cycles.
For example, users accessing forecast data issued between 2019-05-13 and 2020-03-04 should use v3.0 of the auxiliary data, as forecasts issued during that period were produced with EFAS v3.0.
For the full history of EFAS versions and release dates, visit EFAS versioning system.
The upstream area file denotes the total upstream area for each river pixel, expressed in m2. It is defined as the catchment area for each river segment, i.e. the total area that contributes with water to the river at the specific grid point (or river pixel). The upstream area always includes the area of the pixel it is associated to.
The elevation (sometimes referred to as orography) file denotes the mean elevation for each pixel in the EFAS domain, expressed in m above sea level. It is defined for each grid point of the modelled domain.
The files for soil depth, wilting capacity, and field capacity are collectively known as the 'soil wetness index' files, and contain all the relevant information to calculate the soil wetness index from the volumetric soil moisture dataset model output. They are provided separately for each of the three soil layers represented in LISFLOOD.
They are defined as follows:
- Soil depth: The soil depth for each of the three soil layers at each grid point. The value is relative from the top of the land surface to the bottom of each layer respectively.
- Wilting point: The minimal amount of water in the soil that the plant requires not to wilt. If the soil water content decreases to this or any lower point a plant wilts and can no longer recover its turgidity when placed in a saturated atmosphere for 12 hours.
- Field capacity: The amount of soil moisture or water content held in the soil after excess water has drained away and the rate of downward movement has decreased.
More detail on the datasets and how they should be used to derive the soil moisture index is provided here.
The Local Drain Direction (LDD) file is also available to download below (in both WGS84 for v5.0, and EPSG:3035 for versions 4.0 and older).
The Local Drain Direction (LDD) in a hydrological model is the essential component to connect the grid cells in order to express the flow direction from one cell to another, and forming a river network from the springs to the mouth. LDD represents flow directions from each grid-cell to its steepest down-slope neighbor.
Geographical directions in the LDD file are coded with values from "1" to "9", with "5" representing pits (grid-cells with only inflow of water).
Download the LDD file for EFAS v4.0 and older here: (1MB)
Download the LDD file for EFAS v5.0 here:
EFAS river discharge floods thresholds for selected return periods (or recurrence intervals) of 1.5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years. These return levels were computed with the Gumbel extreme value distribution using L-moments. The code is available open source here. The two parameters of the distribution (mu and sigma) are also provided.
Download the EFAS v5.1 flood thresholds files here:
GloFAS Auxiliary Data
The auxiliary data for GloFAS are provided as NetCDF files in WGS 84 (EPSG:4326), and are available to download below.
Four datasets are available to download:
- Upstream area
- Elevation
- The Local Drain Direction (LDD)
- Flood thresholds
It is important for users to make sure they download the auxiliary data consistent with the dataset version of interest. This is because the auxiliary data sometimes change with a new GloFAS cycle; for example, the upstream area is specific to the hydrological model configuration used which can change between cycles.
For the full history of EFAS versions and release dates, visit GloFAS versioning system
The three datasets provided below are applicable for GloFAS version 4.0, and can be used for forecasts produced from 2023-07-26 onwards.
For forecasts produced earlier than 2023-07-26, using GloFAS versions 1.0 to version 3.4, the appropriate auxiliary files can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the expand panel.
The upstream area file denotes the total upstream area for each river pixel, expressed in m2. The upstream area is defined as the catchment area for each river segment, in other words, the total area that contributes water to the river at the specific grid point. The upstream area always includes the area of the pixel.
Download the upstream area file here: (87MB)
The elevation (sometimes referred to as orography) file denotes the mean elevation for each pixel in the GloFAS domain, expressed in m above sea level. It is defined for each grid point of the modelled domain.
Download the elevation file here: (87MB)
The Local Drain Direction (LDD) in a hydrological model is the essential component to connect the grid cells in order to express the flow direction from one cell to another, and forming a river network from the springs to the mouth. LDD represents flow directions from each grid-cell to its steepest down-slope neighbor.
Geographical directions in the LDD file are coded with values from "1" to "9", with "5" representing pits (grid-cells with only inflow of water).
Download the LDD file here: (21MB)
GloFAS river discharge floods thresholds for selected return periods (or recurrence intervals) of 1.5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years. These return levels were computed from the Lisflood reanalysis simulation (forced with ERA5 meteorological data), with the Gumbel extreme value distribution using L-moments fitted over the 1979-2022 period's annual maxima. The code is available open source here. The two parameters of the distribution (mu and sigma) are also provided.
Download the GloFAS v4.0 flood thresholds files here: