Here we document the CAMS reanalysis datasets, the CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) which currently covers the period 2003 - December 2023, and CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4) which currently covers the period 2003-2020.
The CAMS reanalysis is the latest global reanalysis data set of atmospheric composition (AC) produced by the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, consisting of 3-dimensional time-consistent AC fields, including aerosols, chemical species and greenhouse gases, through the separate CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4). The data set builds on the experience gained during the production of the earlier MACC reanalysis and CAMS interim reanalysis.
The CAMS reanalysis was produced using 4DVar data assimilation in CY42R1 of ECMWF’s Integrated Forecast System (IFS), with 60 hybrid sigma/pressure (model) levels in the vertical, with the top level at 0.1 hPa. Atmospheric data are available on these levels and they are also interpolated to 25 pressure, 10 potential temperature and 1 potential vorticity level(s). "Surface or single level" data are also available.
Generally, the data are available at a sub-daily and monthly frequency and consist of analyses and 48h forecasts, initialised daily from analyses at 00 UTC.
The data are archived in the ECMWF data archive (MARS) and can be obtained from the Atmosphere Data Store.
The IFS model and data assimilation system
The 4DVar data assimilation uses 12 hour assimilation windows from 09 UTC to 21 UTC and 21 UTC to 09 UTC.
The IFS model documentation for various model cycles can be found on The model used in the CAMS reanalyses includes several updates to the aerosol and chemistry modules on top of the standard CY42R1 release, which are listed below. Please note that 42r1 documentation is not available on the page, but the code for the earlier and later cycles is available for reference.
Aerosol model
- Updated aerosol optical properties, especially for organic matter (Bozzo et al., 2017).
- Bug fixes to sedimentation, which was unreasonably weak for some dust and sea-salt bins, with corresponding re-tuning of sea-salt scavenging.
- SO2 dry deposition velocities updated to match those used in the chemistry scheme (from SUMO).
- New parametrisation of anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) production, proportional to non-biomass-burning CO emissions.
- More detailed SO2 to sulfate aerosol conversion with dependence on temperature and relative humidity, and overall decrease in the conversion timescale especially at high latitudes.
- Increased sulfate dry deposition velocity over ocean.
- Mass fixer extended to aerosol species.
- Scaling of biomass-burning Black Carbon (BC) emissions using the ratio of BC AOD (CAMS interim reanalysis) / BC AOD (CAMS interim control run).
- 80% of SO2 emissions are released in the two lowest model levels (as an update of tendencies) rather than at surface (fluxes)
Chemistry mechanism
The chemical mechanism of the IFS is an extended version of the Carbon Bond 2005 (CB05) chemical mechanism as implemented in CTM Transport Model 5 (TM5). In the CAMS reanalysis the model as documented in Flemming et al. (2015) and Flemming et al. (2017) is used with the following updates:
- Update of heterogeneous rate coefficients for N2O5 and HO2 based on clouds and aerosol
- Modification of photolysis rates by aerosol
- Dynamic tropopause definition based on T profile for coupling to stratosphere and tropospheric mass diagnostics
- Monthly mean VOC emissions calculated by the MEGAN model using MERRA reanalysed meteorology (Sindelarova et al., 2014) for the period 2003-2017. From 2018 onwards emissions adopt a climatology of the biogenic MEGAN-MACC emissions based on monthly data for 2011-2017.
- Bugfixes, in particular for diurnal cycle of dry deposition whose correction has decreased ozone dry deposition (about 15-20%)
- The version number for the chemistry scheme is CHEM_VER=15
Greenhouse Gases
The model configuration for greenhouse gases is based on the specification of the following components documented in the listed papers below:
- Emissions for CO2 are documented in Agusti-Panareda et al. (2014), Massart et al. (2016).
- Bias correction for CO2 ecosystem fluxes based on the Biogenic Flux Adjustment Scheme is documented by Agusti-Panareda et al. (2016)
- Emissions and loss rate for CH4 is documented in Massart et al. (2014)
- Mass fixer configuration for CO2 and CH4 is documented by Agusti-Panareda et al. (2017) and Diamantakis and Agusti-Panareda (2017).
Emission datasets
The emissions datasets used to produce the CAMS reanalyses are listed in Table 1. They include the MACCity anthropogenic emission, GFAS fire emissions, MEGAN biogenic emissions and several GHG emission datasets.
Anthropogenic emissions used were not adjusted for any COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.
Table 1: Emission datasets used in the CAMS reanalysis
Data set | Version/Period |
MACCity anthropogenic emissions | MACCity (trend: ACCMIP + RCP8.5) & CO emission upgrade Stein et al. (2014) |
GFAS | v1.2: 20030101- |
Dry deposition | Sumo dry deposition |
VOC emissions | Monthly mean VOC emissions calculated by the MEGAN model using MERRA reanalysed meteorology (Sindelarova et al., 2014) |
CO2 ocean fluxes | Takahashi et al. (2009) climatology |
CO2 emissions from aviation | Based on ACCMIP NO emissions from aviation scaled to annual total CO2 from EDGAR aviation emissions. |
CO2 ecosystem fluxes bias corrected with BFAS | Based on CHTESSEL (modelled online in C-IFS) |
CO2 anthropogenic emissions | EDGARv4.2FT2010 (2003-2010) |
CH4 wetland emissions | LPJ-HYMN climatology (Spanhi et al., 2011) |
CH4 total emissions | based on EDGARv4.2FT2010 , LPJ-HYMN wetland climatology and other natural sources/sinks (2003-2010) |
CH4 chemical sink | based on Bergamaschi et al. (2009) dataset |
CH4 anthropogenic emissions | EDGARv4.2FT2010 (2003-2010) |
Data organisation and access
The data is now available only from the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS), either interactively through its download web form or programmatically using the CDS API service:
- CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) monthly averaged fields
CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4) monthly averaged fields
Please have a look at How to migrate to CDS API on the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS) for more details.
Users with access to MARS can browse the data on the MARS catalogue under class=mc and expver=eac4 for the CAMS global reanalysis and under class=mc and expver=egg4 for the CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis.
Stream |
Type |
Levtype |
Spatial grid
The CAMS reanalysis data have a resolution of approximately 80 km. The data are available either as spectral coefficients with a triangular truncation of T255 or on a reduced Gaussian grid with a resolution of N128. These grids are so called "linear grids", sometimes referred to as TL255.
On the ADS the fields were interpolated from their native representation to a regular 0.75°x0.75° lat/lon grid.
Vorticity and divergence were also used to pre-calculate u and v on the same grid.
Temporal frequency
For sub-daily data for the CAMS reanalysis (stream=oper, for MARS users) the analyses (type=an) are available 3-hourly. The daily forecast, run from 00 UTC, has 3-hourly steps from 0 to 48 hours for the 3D model level and pressure level fields, and hourly steps from 0 to 48 hours for the surface fields.
Note that the surface fields from the CAMS global greenhouse reanalysis (egg4) are only available 3-hourly from 2013 onwards
Monthly means
Several parameters are also available as synoptic monthly means, for each particular time and forecast step (stream=mnth) and as monthly means of daily means, for the month as a whole (stream=moda).
Monthly means for analyses and instantaneous forecasts are created from data with a valid time in the month, between 00 and 23 UTC, which excludes the time 00 UTC on the first day of the following month. Monthly means for accumulations and mean rates are created from data with a forecast period falling within the month. For example, monthly means of daily means for accumulations and mean rates are created from contiguous data with forecast periods spanning from 00 UTC on the first day of the month to 00 UTC on the first day of the following month.
Note that monthly means are available only on model level 60.
Data format
Model level fields are in GRIB2 format. All other fields are in GRIB1, unless otherwise indicated.
Level listings
Pressure levels: 1000/950/925/900/850/800/700/600/500/400/300/250/200/150/100/70/50/30/20/10/7/5/3/2/1
Potential temperature levels: 300/315/320/330/350/370/395/475/600/850
Potential vorticity level: 2000
Model levels: 1/to/60, which are described at L60 model level definitions.
CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) Parameter listings
PLEASE NOTE: any data labelled as "slow-access" is stored on MARS tapes instead of disk. Retrieval of this data will be MUCH SLOWER than disk-resident data. You should not select any tape-resident data unless absolutely required for your purposes.
Table1: Fast-access main variables (single-level)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId |
10m u-component of wind | m s-1 | 10m_u_component_of_wind | 10u | 165.128 |
10m v-component of wind | m s-1 | 10m_v_component_of_wind | 10v | 166.128 |
2m dewpoint temperature | K | 2m_dewpoint_temperature | 2d | 167.128 |
2m temperature | K | 2m_temperature | 2t | 168.128 |
Black carbon aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | black_carbon_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm | bcaod550 | 211.210 |
Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | dust_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm | duaod550 | 209.210 |
Land-sea mask | (0 - 1) | land_sea_mask | lsm | 172.128 |
Mean sea level pressure | Pa | mean_sea_level_pressure | msl | 151.128 |
Organic matter aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | organic_matter_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm | omaod550 | 210.210 |
Particulate matter d < 1 µm | kg m-3 | particulate_matter_1um | pm1 | 72.210 |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm | kg m-3 | particulate_matter_2.5um | pm2p5 | 73.210 |
Particulate matter d < 10 µm | kg m-3 | particulate_matter_10um | pm10 | 74.210 |
Sea salt aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | sea_salt_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm | ssaod550 | 208.210 |
Sulphate aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | sulphate_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm" | suaod550 | 212.210 |
Surface Geopotential | m2 s-2 | surface_geopotential | ~ | 51.162 |
Total aerosol optical depth at 469 nm | ~ | total_aerosol_optical_depth_469nm | aod469 | 213.210 |
Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | ~ | total_aerosol_optical_depth_550nm | aod550 | 207.210 |
Total aerosol optical depth at 670 nm | ~ | total_aerosol_optical_depth_670nm | aod670 | 214.210 |
Total aerosol optical depth at 865 nm | ~ | total_aerosol_optical_depth_865nm | aod865 | 215.210 |
Total aerosol optical depth at 1240 nm | ~ | total_aerosol_optical_depth_1240nm | aod1240 | 216.210 |
Total column carbon monoxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_carbon_monoxide | tcco | 127.210 |
Total column ethane* | kg m-2 | total_column_ethane | tc_c2h6 | 45.218 |
Total column formaldehyde* | kg m-2 | total_column_formaldehyde | tchcho | 128.210 |
Total column hydrogen peroxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_hydrogen_peroxide | tc_h2o2 | 3.218 |
Total column hydroxyl radical* | kg m-2 | total_column_hydroxyl_radical | tc_oh | 30.218 |
Total column isoprene* | kg m-2 | total_column_isoprene | tc_c5h8 | 16.218 |
Total column nitric acid* | kg m-2 | total_column_nitric_acid | tc_hno3 | 6.218 |
Total column nitrogen dioxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_nitrogen_dioxide | tcno2 | 125.210 |
Total column nitrogen monoxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_nitrogen_monoxide | tc_no | 27.218 |
Total column ozone* | kg m-2 | total_column_ozone | tco3 | 206.128 |
Total column peroxyacetyl nitrate* | kg m-2 | total_column_peroxyacetyl_nitrate | tc_pan | 13.218 |
Total column propane* | kg m-2 | total_column_propane | tc_c3h8 | 47.218 |
Total column sulphur dioxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_sulphur_dioxide | tcso2 | 126.210 |
Total column water vapour* | kg m-2 | total_column_water_vapour | tcwv | 137.128 |
PLEASE NOTE: *Total column (in kg m-2) is available at the surface (model level 60 for MARS users). Total column refers to the total amount of the selected variable in a column of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the top of the atmosphere (model level 1 for MARS users). Total column can also be referred to as total <selected variable>, or vertically integrated <selected variable>.
Table 2: Fast-access main variables (multi-level)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId |
Carbon monoxide* | kg kg-1 | carbon_monoxide | co | 123.210 |
Dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um_mixing_ratio | aermr04 | 4.210 |
Dust aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | dust_aerosol_0.55-0.9um_mixing_ratio | aermr05 | 5.210 |
Dust aerosol (0.9 - 20 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | dust_aerosol_0.9-20um_mixing_ratio | aermr06 | 6.210 |
Ethane* | kg kg-1 | ethane | c2h6 | 45.217 |
Formaldehyde* | kg kg-1 | formaldehyde | hcho | 124.210 |
Hydrogen peroxide* | kg kg-1 | hydrogen_peroxide | h2o2 | 3.217 |
Hydrophilic black carbon aerosol mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol_mixing_ratio | aermr09 | 9.210 |
Hydrophilic organic matter aerosol mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol_mixing_ratio | aermr07 | 7.210 |
Hydrophobic black carbon aerosol mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol_mixing_ratio | aermr10 | 10.210 |
Hydrophobic organic matter aerosol mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol_mixing_ratio | aermr08 | 8.210 |
Hydroxyl radical* | kg kg-1 | hydroxyl_radical | oh | 30.217 |
Isoprene* | kg kg-1 | isoprene | c5h8 | 16.217 |
Nitric acid* | kg kg-1 | nitric_acid | hno3 | 6.217 |
Nitrogen dioxide* | kg kg-1 | nitrogen_dioxide | no2 | 121.210 |
Nitrogen monoxide* | kg kg-1 | nitrogen_monoxide | no | 27.217 |
Ozone* | kg kg-1 | ozone | o3 | 203 |
Peroxyacetyl nitrate* | kg kg-1 | peroxyacetyl_nitrate | pan | 13.217 |
Propane* | kg kg-1 | propane | c3h8 | 47.217 |
Sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um_mixing_ratio | aermr01 | 1.210 |
Sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um_mixing_ratio | aermr02 | 2.210 |
Sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 µm) mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | sea_salt_aerosol_5-20um_mixing_ratio | aermr03 | 3.210 |
Specific humidity* | kg kg-1 | specific_humidity | q | 133 |
Sulphate aerosol mixing ratio* | kg kg-1 | sulphate_aerosol_mixing_ratio | aermr11 | 11.210 |
Sulphur dioxide* | kg kg-1 | sulphur_dioxide | so2 | 122.210 |
Temperature | K | temperature | t | 130 |
U-component of wind | m s-1 | u_component_of_wind | u | 131 |
V-component of wind | m s-1 | v_component_of_wind | v | 132 |
PLEASE NOTE: *In the CAMS Global Reanalysis, this variable is the mass mixing ratio at different pressure or model levels in kg kg-1
Table 3: Slow-access additional variables (single-level radiation)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId |
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation | (0 - 1) | near_ir_albedo_for_diffuse_radiation | alnid | 18.128 |
Near IR albedo for direct radiation | (0 - 1) | near_ir_albedo_for_direct_radiation | alnip | 17.128 |
Snow albedo | (0 - 1) | snow_albedo | asn | 32.128 |
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation | (0 - 1) | uv_visible_albedo_for_diffuse_radiation | aluvd | 16.128 |
UV visible albedo for direct radiation | (0 - 1) | uv_visible_albedo_for_direct_radiation | aluvp | 15.128 |
Table 4: Slow-access additional variables (single-level chemical vertical integrals)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId |
Total column acetone* | kg m-2 | total_column_acetone | tc_ch3coch3 | 52.128 |
Total column aldehydes* | kg m-2 | total_column_aldehydes | tc_ald2 | 12.128 |
Total column ethanol* | kg m-2 | total_column_ethanol | tc_c2h5oh | 46.218 |
Total column ethene* | kg m-2 | total_column_ethene | tc_c2h4 | 10.128 |
Total column formic acid* | kg m-2 | total_column_formic_acid | tc_hcooh | 43.218 |
Total column methane* | kg m-2 | total_column_methane | tc_ch4 | 4.218 |
Total column methanol* | kg m-2 | total_column_methanol | tc_ch3oh | 42.128 |
Total column methyl peroxide* | kg m-2 | total_column_methyl_peroxide | tc_ch3ooh | 7.218 |
Total column olefins* | kg m-2 | total_column_olefins | tc_ole | 11.218 |
Total column organic nitrates* | kg m-2 | total_column_organic_nitrates | tc_onit | 15.218 |
Total column paraffins* | kg m-2 | total_column_paraffins | tc_par | 9.218 |
Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um | aermssdus | 43.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9um | aermssdum | 44.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (9 - 20 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_9-20um | aermssdul | 45.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of hydrophilic black carbon aerosol | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol | aermssbchphil | 78.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of hydrophilic organic matter aerosol | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol | aermssomhphil | 62.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of hydrophobic black carbon aerosol | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol | aermssbchphob | 77.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of hydrophobic organic matter aerosol | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol | aermssomhphob | 61.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um | aermsssss | 19.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um | aermssssm | 20.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 µm) | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20um | aermssssl | 21.215 |
Vertically integrated mass of sulphate aerosol | kg m-2 | vertically_integrated_mass_of_sulphate_aerosol | aermsssu | 87.215 |
PLEASE NOTE: *Total column (in kg m-2) is available at the surface (model level 60 for MARS users). Total column refers to the total amount of the selected variable in a column of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the top of the atmosphere (model level 1 for MARS users). Total column can also be referred to as total <selected variable>, or vertically integrated <selected variable>.
Table5: Slow-access additional variables (single-level meteorological)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId |
High cloud cover | (0 - 1) | high_cloud_cover | hcc | 188.128 |
High vegetation cover | (0 - 1) | high_vegetation_cover | cvh | 28.128 |
Lake cover | (0 - 1) | lake_cover | cl | 26.128 |
Leaf area index, high vegetation | m2 m-2 | leaf_area_index_high_vegetation | lai_hv | 67.128 |
Leaf area index, low vegetation | m2 m-2 | leaf_area_index_low_vegetation | lai_lv | 66.128 |
Lifting threshold speed | m s-1 | lifting_threshold_speed | aerlts | 53.210 |
Low cloud cover | (0 - 1) | low_cloud_cover | lcc | 186.128 |
Low vegetation cover | (0 - 1) | low_vegetation_cover | cvl | 27.128 |
Mean altitude of maximum injection | m | mean_altitude_of_maximum_injection | mami | 119.210 |
Medium cloud cover | (0 - 1) | medium_cloud_cover | mcc | 187.218 |
Sea-ice cover | (0 - 1) | sea_ice_cover | sicgrd | 31.129 |
Sea surface temperature | K | Sea surface temperature | sst | 34.128 |
Skin reservoir content | m of water equivalent | skin_reservoir_content | src | 198.128 |
Skin temperature | K | skin_temperature | skt | 235.128 |
Snow depth | m of water equivalent | snow_depth | sd | 141.128 |
Soil clay content | % | soil_clay_content | aerscc | 54.210 |
Soil type | ~ | soil_type | slt | 43.128 |
Surface pressure | Pa | surface_pressure | sp | 134.128 |
Surface roughness | m | surface_roughness | sr | 173.128 |
Total cloud cover | (0 - 1) | total_cloud_cover | tcc | 164.128 |
Total column water | kg m-2 | total_column_water | tcw | 136.128 |
Type of high vegetation | ~ | type_of_high_vegetation | tvh | 30.128 |
Type of low vegetation | ~ | type_of_low_vegetation | tvl | 29.128 |
Table 6: Slow-access additional variables (multi-level chemical)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId | Note |
Acetone* | kg kg-1 | acetone | ch3coch3 | 52.217 | |
Acetone product* | kg kg-1 | acetone_product | aco2 | 53.217 | Model-level only |
Aldehydes* | kg kg-1 | aldehydes | ald2 | 12.217 | |
Amine* | kg kg-1 | amine | nh2 | 40.217 | |
Ammonia* | kg kg-1 | ammonia | nh3 | 19.217 | Model-level only |
Ammonium* | kg kg-1 | ammonium | nh4 | 21.217 | Model-level only |
Dimethyl sulfide* | kg kg-1 | dimethyl_sulfide | dms | 18.217 | Model-level only |
Dinitrogen pentoxide* | kg kg-1 | dinitrogen_pentoxide | n2o5 | 33.217 | Model-level only |
Ethanol* | kg kg-1 | ethanol | c2h5oh | 46.217 | |
Ethene* | kg kg-1 | ethene | c2h4 | 10.217 | |
Formic acid* | kg kg-1 | formic_acid | hcooh | 43.217 | |
Hydroperoxy radical* | kg kg-1 | hydroperoxy_radical | ho2 | 28.217 | Model-level only |
Lead* | kg kg-1 | lead | pb | 26.217 | Model-level only |
Methacrolein MVK* | kg kg-1 | methacrolein_mvk | ispd | 50.217 | Model-level only |
Methacrylic acid* | kg kg-1 | methacrylic_acid | mcooh | 44.217 | Model-level only |
Methane (chemistry)* | kg kg-1 | methane_chemistry | ch4_c | 4.217 | |
Methane sulfonic acid* | kg kg-1 | methane_sulfonic_acid | msa | 22.217 | Model-level only |
Methanol* | kg kg-1 | methanol | ch3oh | 42.217 | |
Methyl glyoxal* | kg kg-1 | methyl_glyoxal | ch3cocho | 23.217 | Model-level only |
Methyl peroxide* | kg kg-1 | methyl_peroxide | ch3ooh | 7.217 | |
Methylperoxy radical* | kg kg-1 | methylperoxy_radical | ch3o2 | 29.217 | Model-level only |
Nitrate* | kg kg-1 | nitrate | no3_a | 51.217 | Model-level only |
Nitrate radical* | kg kg-1 | nitrate_radical | no3 | 32.217 | Model-level only |
Olefins* | kg kg-1 | olefins | ole | 11.217 | |
Organic ethers* | kg kg-1 | organic_ethers | ror | 36.217 | Model-level only |
Organic nitrates* | kg kg-1 | organic_nitrates | onit | 15.217 | |
Paraffins* | kg kg-1 | paraffins | par | 9.217 | |
Pernitric acid* | kg kg-1 | pernitric_acid | ho2no2 | 34.217 | Model-level only |
Peroxides* | kg kg-1 | peroxides | rooh | 14.217 | Model-level only |
Peroxy acetyl radical* | kg kg-1 | peroxy_acetyl_radical | c2o3 | 35.217 | Model-level only |
Propene* | kg kg-1 | propene | c3h6 | 48.217 | Model-level only |
Radon* | kg kg-1 | radon | ra | 181.210 | Model-level only |
Stratospheric ozone tracer* | kg kg-1 | stratospheric_ozone_tracer | o3s | 24.217 | Model-level only |
Terpenes* | kg kg-1 | terpenes | c10h16 | 49.217 | Model-level only |
PLEASE NOTE: *In the CAMS Global Reanalysis, this variable is the mass mixing ratio at different pressure or model levels in kg kg-1
Table 7: Slow-access additional variables (multi-level meteorological)
name | units | Variable name in ADS | shortName | paramId | Note |
Fraction of cloud cover | (0 - 1) | fraction_of_cloud_cover | cc | 248 | Model-level only |
Geopotential | m2 s-2 | geopotential | z | 129 | Model-level 1 only |
Potential vorticity | K m2 kg-1 s-1 | potential_vorticity | pv | 60.128 | Pressure-level only |
Relative humidity | % | relative_humidity | r | 157.128 | Pressure-level only |
Specific cloud ice water content | kg kg-1 | specific_cloud_ice_water_content | ciwc | 247 | Model-level only |
Specific cloud liquid water content | kg kg-1 | specific_cloud_liquid_water_content | clwc | 246 | Model-level only |
Specific rain water content | kg kg-1 | specific_rain_water_content | crwc | 75 | Model-level only |
Specific snow water content | kg kg-1 | specific_snow_water_content | cswc | 76 | Model-level only |
Vertical velocity | Pa s-1 | vertical_velocity | w | 135 |
CAMS global greenhouse gases reanalysis (EGG4) Parameter listings
Table 1: variables
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
Downward UV radiation at the surface | J m-2 | downward_uv_radiation_at_the_surface | |
Forecast albedo | (0 - 1) | forecast_albedo | |
Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface | J m-2 | photosynthetically_active_radiation_at_the_surface | |
Snow albedo | (0 - 1) | snow_albedo | |
Sunshine duration | s | sunshine_duration | |
Surface net solar radiation | J m-2 | surface_net_solar_radiation | |
Surface net solar radiation, clear sky | J m-2 | surface_net_solar_radiation_clear_sky | |
Surface net thermal radiation | J m-2 | surface_net_thermal_radiation | |
Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky | J m-2 | surface_net_thermal_radiation_clear_sky | |
Surface solar radiation downward, clear sky | J m-2 | surface_solar_radiation_downward_clear_sky | |
Surface solar radiation downwards | J m-2 | surface_solar_radiation_downwards | |
Surface thermal radiation downward, clear sky | J m-2 | surface_thermal_radiation_downward_clear_sky | |
Surface thermal radiation downwards | J m-2 | surface_thermal_radiation_downwards | |
TOA incident solar radiation | J m-2 | toa_incident_solar_radiation | |
Top net solar radiation | J m-2 | top_net_solar_radiation | |
Top net solar radiation, clear sky | J m-2 | top_net_solar_radiation_clear_sky | |
Top net thermal radiation | J m-2 | top_net_thermal_radiation | |
Top net thermal radiation, clear sky | J m-2 | top_net_thermal_radiation_clear_sky |
Table 2:
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
CH4 column-mean molar fraction | ppb | ch4_column_mean_molar_fraction | |
CO2 column-mean molar fraction | ppm | co2_column_mean_molar_fraction |
Table 3:
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
Accumulated carbon dioxide ecosystem respiration | kg m-2 | accumulated_carbon_dioxide_ecosystem_respiration | |
Accumulated carbon dioxide gross primary production | kg m-2 | accumulated_carbon_dioxide_gross_primary_production | |
Accumulated carbon dioxide net ecosystem exchange | kg m-2 | accumulated_carbon_dioxide_net_ecosystem_exchange | |
Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide | kg m-2 s-1 | anthropogenic_emissions_of_carbon_dioxide | |
Flux of carbon dioxide ecosystem respiration | kg m-2 s-1 | flux_of_carbon_dioxide_ecosystem_respiration | |
Flux of carbon dioxide gross primary production | kg m-2 s-1 | flux_of_carbon_dioxide_gross_primary_production | |
Flux of carbon dioxide net ecosystem exchange | kg m-2 s-1 | flux_of_carbon_dioxide_net_ecosystem_exchange | |
GPP coefficient from biogenic flux adjustment system | dimensionless | gpp_coefficient_from_biogenic_flux_adjustment_system | |
Methane loss rate due to radical hydroxyl (OH) | s-1 | methane_loss_rate_due_to_radical_hydroxyl_oh | |
Methane surface fluxes | kg m-2 s-1 | methane_surface_fluxes | |
Ocean flux of carbon dioxide | kg m-2 s-1 | ocean_flux_of_carbon_dioxide | |
Rec coefficient from biogenic flux adjustment system | dimensionless | rec_coefficient_from_biogenic_flux_adjustment_system | |
Wildfire flux of carbon dioxide | kg m-2 s-1 | wildfire_flux_of_carbon_dioxide | |
Wildfire flux of methane | kg m-2 s-1 | wildfire_flux_of_methane |
Table 4:
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
10m u-component of wind | m s-1 | 10m_u_component_of_wind | |
10m v-component of wind | m s-1 | 10m_v_component_of_wind | |
2m dewpoint temperature | K | 2m_dewpoint_temperature | |
2m temperature | K | 2m_temperature | |
Boundary layer height | m | boundary_layer_height | |
Convective available potential energy | J kg-1 | convective_available_potential_energy | |
Convective inhibition | J kg-1 | convective_inhibition | |
Convective precipitation | m | convective_precipitation | |
Evaporation | m of water equivalent | evaporation | |
High cloud cover | (0 - 1) | high_cloud_cover | |
Land-sea mask | (0 - 1) | land_sea_mask | |
Large-scale precipitation | m | large_scale_precipitation | |
Low cloud cover | (0 - 1) | low_cloud_cover | |
Mean sea level pressure | Pa | mean_sea_level_pressure | |
Medium cloud cover | (0 - 1) | medium_cloud_cover | |
Potential evaporation | m | potential_evaporation | |
Precipitation type | dimensionless | precipitation_type | |
Sea surface temperature | K | sea_surface_temperature | |
Sea-ice cover | (0 - 1) | sea_ice_cover | |
Skin reservoir content | m of water equivalent | skin_reservoir_content | |
Skin temperature | K | skin_temperature | |
Snow depth | m of water equivalent | snow_depth | |
Surface Geopotential | m2 s-2 | surface_geopotential | |
Surface latent heat flux | J m-2 | surface_latent_heat_flux | |
Surface sensible heat flux | J m-2 | surface_sensible_heat_flux | |
Total cloud cover | (0 - 1) | total_cloud_cover | |
Total column cloud ice water | kg m-2 | total_column_cloud_ice_water | |
Total column cloud liquid water | kg m-2 | total_column_cloud_liquid_water | |
Total column water | kg m-2 | total_column_water | |
Total column water vapour | kg m-2 | total_column_water_vapour | |
Total precipitation | m | total_precipitation | |
Visibility | m | visibility |
Table 5:
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
Carbon dioxide | kg kg-1 | carbon_dioxide | |
Methane | kg kg-1 | methane |
Table 6:
name | units | Variable name in ADS | Note |
Fraction of cloud cover | (0 - 1) | fraction_of_cloud_cover | |
Geopotential | m2 s-2 | geopotential | |
Logarithm of surface pressure | ~ | logarithm_of_surface_pressure | |
Potential vorticity | K m^2 kg^-1 s^-1 | potential_vorticity | |
Relative humidity | % | relative_humidity | |
Specific cloud ice water content | kg kg-1 | specific_cloud_ice_water_content | |
Specific cloud liquid water content | kg kg-1 | specific_cloud_liquid_water_content | |
Specific humidity | kg kg-1 | specific_humidity | |
Specific rain water content | kg kg-1 | specific_rain_water_content | |
Specific snow water content | kg kg-1 | specific_snow_water_content | |
Temperature | K | temperature | |
U-component of wind | m s-1 | u_component_of_wind | |
V-component of wind | m s-1 | v_component_of_wind | |
Vertical velocity | Pa s-1 | vertical_velocity |
CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) Satellite Data
The atmospheric composition satellite retrievals used as input into the CAMS reanalysis EAC4 are listed below. The following abbreviations are used in Table 1. TC: Total column, TRC: Tropospheric column, PROF: profiles, PC: Partial columns, ColAv: Column average mixing ratio, QR= quality flag given by data providers, SOE: Solar elevation, MODORO: Model orography, PRESS_RL= pressure at bottom of layer, LAT: Latitude.
CAMS global greenhouse gases reanalysis (EGG4) Satellite Data
The atmospheric composition satellite retrievals used as input into the CAMS reanalysis EGG4 are listed below. The following abbreviations are used in Table 1. TC: Total column, TRC: Tropospheric column, PROF: profiles, PC: Partial columns, ColAv: Column average mixing ratio, QR= quality flag given by data providers, SOE: Solar elevation, MODORO: Model orography, PRESS_RL= pressure at bottom of layer, LAT: Latitude.
Validation reports
Validation Reports for the CAMS Global reanalysis and CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis can be found on the CAMS Quality Assurance website.
The following advice is intended to help users understand particular features of the CAMS reanalysis data:
- Users who want to use meteorological data only are advised to use the ERA5 meteorological reanalysis.
- MARS users please use the 'GEMS Ozone' (param 210203) and 'Total Column GEMS Ozone' (param 210206) fields. These are produced specifically for CAMS using the full tropospheric chemistry scheme, see also CAMS Global data: What is "GEMS ozone".
O3 and O3S are quite different in the re-analysis. The reason for that is that O3S was not subject to data assimilation. Hence it represents stratospheric ozone as simulated with the Cariolle scheme. The difference between O3 and O3S in the troposphere is that O3S is only subject to chemical loss and deposition, i.e. tropospheric chemical ozone production does not occur. The only source of O3S in the troposphere is the influx from the stratosphere.
The following advice is intended to help users understand particular features of the CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4):
- In the IFS all the tracers are in principle represented as specific ratios, i.e. with respect to the total air mass. However, in the continuity equation the tracers are treated as if they were mixing ratios (with respect to dry air), which means that changes in the humidity do not have an impact on the evolution of the tracer mixing ratio. Because of this, we recommend treating the tracer mixing ratios with respect to dry air but when integrating with pressure in the computation of the total column mass of the tracer, the total pressure should be used (instead of the dry pressure). This is a compromise to keep consistency with the NWP approach which assumes specific ratios and the tracer continuity equation which assumes mixing ratios. For more details on this conundrum, see ECWMF Tech memo
Known issues CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4)
- Lifting threshold speed have zero values for all times. The data has been removed on 16 December 2024.
Anthropogenic emissions used were not adjusted for any COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.
- Validation of AOD with Aeronet data has show there are some hot spots around outgassing volcanoes (in particular Mauna Loa and Mexico City) with high analysis AOD values that degrade the global average RMSE. If calculating global mean statistics it is advisable to exclude those two stations as unrepresentative. This is a side effect of model-resolution orography not resolving the height of the volcanoes that has been unmasked by recent enhancements to the SO2 oxidation scheme which improve aerosol on the global scale.
- During 2003 the ozone analysis has a degraded quality (bigger biases with respect to observations) in Arctic and Antarctic free troposphere because MIPAS and SCIAMACHY data of lower quality were assimilated.
- Between March-August 2004 no ozone profile data were available for assimilation. This affects the vertical structure of the ozone analysis and we see larger biases wrt ozone sondes, especially in the Antarctic.
- From 2013 onwards there is a larger seasonally varying bias in ozone in the free troposphere, particularly in the Arctic and Antarctic that is not seen in the control run. The reason for this bias is a change in the observing system, namely the change from 13-layer SBUV/2 data to 21-layer SBUV/2 data in July 2013 (see Table 2) that unfortunately has an impact on tropospheric ozone. A similar bias is seen in the NRT CAMS ozone analysis which also uses the 21-layer SBUV/2 data after 2013.
- During 2003 the seasonal cycle of the tropospheric column NO2 is not well represented because of the assimilation of SCIAMACHY NO2 data of degraded quality.
The use of the NOx variable from the CAMS reanalysis (as well as from the CAMS interim re-analysis and the CAMS operational system) is not recommended. The user is advised to download NO and NO2 separately and to add them up. Please note that a conversion of the mass mixing ratios [kg/kg] to volume mixing rations / molar fractions [mol/mol] is needed to do this in a meaningful way.
Because of its relatively short lifetime, NO2 in the CAMS reanalysis is largely affected by the prescribed emissions (e.g. anthropogenic MACCity, GFAS biomass burning) and only to a smaller part by the assimilated observations (see also Inness et al., 2013). Consequently, trends or anomalies calculated from the NO2 reanalysis fields will mainly reflect the trends in the underlying emissions. For example over China, the MACCity emissions have been kept constant since 2012 while more recent emission inventories show a decrease after 2012. This has to be kept in mind when trying to interpret NO2 trends or anomalies calculated from the CAMS reanalysis.
This list will be updated as we become aware of further issues in the CAMS reanalysis.
Known issues CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4)
- Anthropogenic emissions used were not adjusted for any COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.
- T surface fields from the CAMS global greenhouse reanalysis are only available 3-hourly from 2013 onwards while they are available hourly from 2003-2012.
- Stratospheric biases in CH4 (under investigation).
This list will be updated as we become aware of further issues in the CAMS reanalysis.
How to cite the CAMS Global Reanalysis
Please acknowledge the use of the CAMS global reanalysis as indicated below:
(1) Acknowledge according to the dataset licence (in this case, please check the licence to use Copernicus products (Clause 5 in particular)) - this should appear in the acknowledgement section of your publication.
(2) Provide the download reference by indicating where data is downloaded from (in the acknowledgement section of your publication) e.g:
Downloaded from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Atmosphere Data Store (ADS) (<URL to dataset overview page>)
(3) Cite the relevant dataset (as part of the bibliography in your publication) e.g:
Inness, A, Ades, M, Agustí-Panareda, A, Barré, J, Benedictow, A, Blechschmidt, A, Dominguez, J, Engelen, R, Eskes, H, Flemming, J, Huijnen, V, Jones, L, Kipling, Z, Massart, S, Parrington, M, Peuch, V-H, Razinger M, Remy, S, Schulz, M and Suttie, M (2019): CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4). Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Atmosphere Data Store (ADS). (Accessed on <DD-MMM-YYYY>),
Inness, A, Ades, M, Agustí-Panareda, A, Barré, J, Benedictow, A, Blechschmidt, A, Dominguez, J, Engelen, R, Eskes, H, Flemming, J, Huijnen, V, Jones, L, Kipling, Z, Massart, S, Parrington, M, Peuch, V-H, Razinger M, Remy, S, Schulz, M and Suttie, M (2019): CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) monthly averaged fields. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Atmosphere Data Store (ADS). (Accessed on <DD-MMM-YYYY>),
-, 2019. Inness, A., Ades, M., Agustí-Panareda, A., Barré, J., Benedictow, A., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Dominguez, J. J., Engelen, R., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Huijnen, V., Jones, L., Kipling, Z., Massart, S., Parrington, M., Peuch, V.-H., Razinger, M., Remy, S., Schulz, M., and Suttie, M.: The CAMS reanalysis of atmospheric composition, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 3515–3556,
- Agustí-Panareda, A., and Coauthors, 2023: Technical note: The CAMS greenhouse gas reanalysis from 2003 to 2020, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 3829–3859,
- .
- Agusti-Panareda, A, S. Massart, F. Chevallier, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, E. Dutra, and A. Beljaars, 2016: A biogenic CO2 flux adjustment scheme for the mitigation of large-scale biases in global atmospheric CO2 analyses and forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10399–10418,
- .
- 2009: Inverse modeling of global and regional CH4 emissions using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D22301, , and Coauthors,
- Bozzo, A., S. Remy, A. Benedetti, J.Flemming, P. Bechtold, M.J. Rodwell, and J.-J. Morcrette, 2017: Implementation of a CAMS-based aerosol climatology in the IFSA. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 801, 33 pp,
- Diamantakis, M., A. Agusti-Panareda: A positive definite tracer mass fixer for high resolution weather and atmospheric composition forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda, No. 819, 2017,
- Flemming, J., and Coauthors, 2015: Tropospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 975–1003,
- Flemming, J., and Coauthors, 2017: The CAMS interim Reanalysis of Carbon Monoxide,Ozone and Aerosol for 2003–2015. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1945–1983,
- 2014: Assimilation of atmospheric methane products into the MACC-II system: from SCIAMACHY to TANSO and IASI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6139-6158,
- J. Geophys. Res., 125, D033563,
Further CAMS reanalysis references will be available from the ECMWF website in the future.
An ECMWF newsletter article 'The new CAMS global reanalysis of atmospheric composition' is available from:
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