The Weather-Induced Extremes Digital Twin - sharpening the prediction of extreme weather and its impacts
Note that 4-day forecasts can only be retrieved for start dates 15 days behind the current date. It can take up to 2 days for data from the current day's forecast to become available.
Global model output from the IFS-NEMO model is available and details are listed in the table below.
daily global simulations: The global component of the Extremes DT provides daily initialised four-day global forecasts with a resolution of a few kilometres (4.4 km) using the IFS.
regional on demand simulations: This capability will become available later in phase 2.
Type of simulation | Model | available |
Daily global forecast | IFS-NEMO | date: 15 days before current date (YYYYMMDD) time: 0000 UTC |
For more technical details related to the simulation, please see here.
Data availability
Model output can be retrieved using the polytope service via the DestinE Service Platform, with examples on usage here.
Data is provided on an octahedral reduced Gaussian grid.
Data is provided on various levtype
values, for different parameters. See the expandable tree below or the DestinE ExtremesDT Parameters page for more information.
The levtype values are as follows:
: Height level field. The keylevelist
is used to specify the level in metres (e.g. 100). For parameters at height >
: Pressure level field. The keylevelist
is used to specify the level in hPa (e.g. 1000).sfc
: 2D atmospheric surface field. Note that this can be the earth surface, or other 2D levels such as at 2 metres or total column integrations.
For example, retrieve global forecast data, parameters "Surface pressure" (param 134) and "2 metre temperature" (param 167), for the forecast initialized on 10 April 2024 at 00Z and for hourly lead times from 0 to 6 hours :
request = { 'class': 'd1', 'dataset': 'extremes-dt', 'expver': '0001', 'stream': 'oper', 'type': 'fc', 'date': '20240410', 'time': '0000', 'step': '0/1/2/3/4/5/6', 'levtype': 'sfc', 'param': '134/167' }
Modifying the request can then be performed based on the following structure of the available data (click the tree to unfold additional sections):