This page has a list of known issues for the IBM/AIX compilers.

Please note that IBM compilers are no longer supported by latest versions of OpenIFS. We regret we are no longer able to provide support for older versions of OpenIFS which included compiler configurations for the XLF compiler.

IBM (xlf) issues with grib-api

When compiling grib-api on IBM architectures with the XLF compiler, we recommend disabling the creation of "shared libraries" and use static libraries only. Using shared libraries can cause runtime errors.

For more information, please see Installing grib-api.

Compilation of bindproc.c fails with XLF V12 compiler

This is caused by missing lines in the bindproc.c file for OpenIFS version 38r1. Please add the following code lines to bindproc.c:

#include <unistd.h> /* for _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN */
#include <sys/processor.h> /* for BINDTHREAD */

Please contact for further assistance.

JIRA Issue: OIFSSUP-12 - Getting issue details... STATUS