Poster session on Monday afternoon

We will have a poster session on Monday afternoon during the drink reception. Participants to the course are strongly invited to bring their poster describing the activity of their NMHS and how ECMWF forecast products and data are used. If you are attending the course together with a colleague, you may wish to prepare a joint contribution. If you are coming the the Train the Trainer edition of the course, please make sure that the poster addresses activities related to training.

The aim of the session is to share experiences of ECMWF products and to provide feedback to ECMWF. We will run a small competition for the best poster based on the poster content and layout.

Posters do not need to be complicated and high quality, a simple poster showing your NMHS and its use of ECMWF data would be sufficient.

If you are not familiar with making a poster, the following links may be useful but remember that you may be able to find information on how to create a poster by simply searching on the internet. Have a look at:

Examples of posters:

How to put together the content for the poster:

http : // (link no longer maintained at

How to create a poster with powerpoint:


Ideas for the poster:
  • Your poster could be about a weather event where ECMWF products have been either useful or misleading in producing your forecast. For example, if you have been involved in forecasting an extreme event, we would like to know briefly why you selected that event, which ECMWF products you have found most useful/misleading, why you consider them most useful/ misleading and what have you learned by using them. It would also be interesting to hear from you if you have suggestions on how to improve those products to make them more appealing to you and your colleagues.
  • Alternatively, you or your colleagues may have been involved in creating new products (weather indices, new clustering techniques, fancy evolution of EPSgrams, weather type classifications, etc.) based on ECMWF model output and you would like to share this new development with the course participants. In this case, in your poster you could include a description of the new product, a description of situations in which the products might be useful and who would benefit from using it. 
  • If you are more involved on the research side, you may want to show some numerical weather prediction applications of ECMWF data (for example downscaling, etc). Your presentation could include a description of the research aim and the methodology to achieve your goals using the ECMWF data.

This is a simple example of a poster made up of 6 sheet of paper format A3 (Format A1 and easy to transport on the aeroplane!). The poster has a title and the authors, describes the NMHS duties, tasks and collaboration with other organisations or   meteorological offices. It shows the ECMWF data used and present a case study with some reflections on what the author of the poster has learned from it.

Please note that this is just an example, if you have other ideas they are welcomed (smile)

Poster example

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (emansultan77)

    hello dear anna

    could you tell me more information about the poster and simple idea of it, what did NMHS mean, could we will send the poster before the session on Monday

    thank you


    1. Unknown User (moa)


      if you look at the links you should be able to get an idea how to make it. The example above on the right hand side, is made using 8 A3 sheet of papers.

      NMHS --> National Meteorological and Hydrological Service    (some Services may not have Hydrology as duty)


  2. Unknown User (emansultan77)


    thank you very much



  3. Unknown User (bjbaba70)

    Dr. Anna,

    Good afternoon Ma. Please, are we to send the poster online?



    1. Unknown User (moa)

      You can bring it with you or send it here and I can try to print it. We would like to have printed posters to display on poster boards

      1. Unknown User (bjbaba70)

        Please, specify ECMWF standard dimension for posters

        1. Unknown User (moa)

          max dimension is a format A0  (about 1m x 80cm)

  4. Dear Anna,

    it would be great if I could  send you my poster  attached and later  print it already at your office. Is it a possibility? How much it cost?



  5. Ciao Anna, it would be great to have the poster printed there at ECMWF. May I send it to you by Friday? Is Friday too late?

  6. Unknown User (moa)

    Hi Carlos,

    ok for Friday, but it will have to be in the morning.


  7. Grazie mille, I'll try to get it on Thursday, ciao


  8. Dear Anna

    What is the maximum size of the poster A1 (59*84) or A0 (84*118)?

    the other Anna (smile)

  9. Unknown User (moa)

    Hi Anna (The other!)

    posters should be A1

    see you soon


  10. I'm sorry Anna, you said some days ago in this forum "max dimension is a format A0  (about 1m x 80cm)"

    Our poster is A0. Is it a problem?


    1. Unknown User (moa)

      no problem! we will use two poster boards  (wink)

  11.  is it a problem if the poster is A1 but landscape?

    1. Unknown User (moa)

      it does not matter to us, so whatever suits your content

  12. Hi Anna,

    I am currently following an another course and will have no opportunity to prepare a poster before the course (sad).

    My colleague Ronny Briesen is attending your course next week and will present a poster. May I present his poster during my course?

    have a nice day!



    1. Unknown User (moa)

      yes no problem

  13. Hello!

    Where can I upload my poster to print it? Otherwise I will bring a pdf or ppt on Monday for printing. Hope this would be ok!


    1. Unknown User (moa)

      Hi Marku,

      please send the poster to Karen.



  14. Good morning Mrs. Ghelli! Could you tell me please if I can print my poster at ECMWF? Our plotter has some technical problems and the quality of images is not very good. I have already sent you my poster in pdf format.

  15. Unknown User (moa)

    Posters can be printed at ECMWF, but would need them by Wednesday evening