The list of the geographical locations for TIGGE/TIGGE-LAM time-series archive has to be established. Here is a continuously updated list of related problems.

Your contribution to the discussion below is highly appreciated.

Locations for time-series archive:

  • SYNOP stations (approximately  6000 for TIGGE (global) and 2000 for TIGGE-LAM over European domain)
  • some other points of interests (wind farms, high density precipitation network etc.)

The technical issues

  • reprocessing of TIGGE (global forecast) archive into time-series one
    • must be carefully planned and done only once all locations, parameter list etc. is known (very time demanding, thus not possible to redone arbitrarily)
  • SYNOP station meta data
    • where to find the up-to-date meta data for all selected stations and how to be informed on time about all actual changes
    • how to handle potential changes of station meta data and related problems (station location change etc.)
  • No labels


  1. on Lawrence Wilson [Associate Scientist Emeritus Environment Canada] behalf:

    As a start, we agreed at the recent TIGGE meeting that we would use the GTS synop locations for the time series of the TIGGE archive. And so, this would be a good place to start too for TIGGE LAM.

    HOWEVER, as TIGGE-LAM is all about higher resolution regional ensembles, a strong argument can and should be made for a much higher density set of point locations, so that the participants can take advantage of high density observation networks where those exist. The network for the MAP project comes immediately to mind, but most European countries do have high density networks at least for precipitation. I realize it would take some effort to identify such a network of points, but it would be worth it, I think, certainly for model verification and evaluation. And, initially at least, this is needed only for Europe since the TIGGE-LAM archive will be limited to Europe.

    I also know that ECMWF has data from some of these high density networks under special agreements for specific research projects. So, some station metadata might already be available at ECMWF. These are my thoughts - please feel free to pass them around your TIGGE-LAM community Tiziana.

  2. on Tiziana's behalf:

    I agree that we should discuss about these higher resolution time series at European level. We will try to set up this discussion as soon as possible and I hope that we will have some progress during the SRNWP meeting in October.  You are right when you say that ECMWF (Anna Ghelli) has the high density network data; may be these locations are too many top compute the time series but we could ask the different countries to make a selection based on a maximum number of stations defined by Richard.