We are pleased to announce the availability of the General purpose Atos computing service - named 'ecs' - in Bologna, which will replace the ecgate service in Reading.

We invite you to start testing your activities currently running on ecgate in Reading onto 'ecs' in Bologna. To help you with this work, we have made available the Atos HPCF and ecgate Documentation. We strongly encourage you to read carefully through those pages before you start your tests on 'ecs'. Interactive login access to the systems in Bologna will no longer be through ECaccess, but through Teleport.

Note that we are finalising the Atos user environment for the Time Critical option 1, ectrans and ECaccess web toolkit services. We apologise for these delays.

You can watch the HPC2020: News Feed for updates on the Atos services in Bologna. For more information on the migration to the new Data Centre in Bolgna, do visit the Data Centre Migration to Bologna - User Space Home.

We aim at ending the computing services provided in Reading on ecgate and the Cray systems on 31 October 2022.

Thank you for reporting any issues or sharing your feedback via the ECMWF Support Portal mentioning 'Atos - ecs' in the title.