If you find any problem or any feature missing that you think should be present, and it is not listed here, please let us know  by reporting as a "Problem on computing" through the ECMWF Support Portal mentioning "Atos" in the summary.

Atos HPCF is not operational platform yet, and many features or elements may be gradually added as complete setup is finalised. Here is a list of the known limitations, missing features and issues.

Missing Features

End of job information

A basic report is provided at the end of the job with information about its execution.

[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] This is the ECMWF job Epilogue
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++ Please report issues using the Support portal +++
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++ https://support.ecmwf.int                     +++
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog]
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Run at 2021-09-28T06:21:25 on aa
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Job Name                  : eci
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Job ID                    : 1009559
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Submitted                 : 2021-09-28T06:05:23
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Dispatched                : 2021-09-28T06:05:23
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Completed                 : 2021-09-28T06:21:25
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Waiting in the queue      : 0.0
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Runtime                   : 962
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Exit Code                 : 0:0
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] State                     : COMPLETED
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Account                   : myaccount
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Queue                     : nf
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Owner                     : user
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] STDOUT                    : slurm-1009559.out
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] STDERR                    : slurm-1009559.out
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Nodes                     : 1
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Logical CPUs              : 8
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU                       : 20.460 units
[ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog]
  • We are unable to provide a figure for the memory used at this time.

Alternatively, you may use sacct to get some of the statistics from SLURM once the job has finished.

Known issues

Intel MKL greater than 19.0.5: performance issues on AMD chips

Recent versions of MKL do not use the AVX2 kernels for certain operations on non-intel chips, such as the AMD Rome on our HPCF. The consequence is a significant drop in performance.


  1. "Intel MKL performance issues on AMD"  Perhaps BLIS could be added to the software stack? It has very good performance on AMD

    1. Besides MKL, both BLIS and libFlame as well as openblas, are also available for those who wish to use them.

  2. I have started using Atos for diagnostic tasks (via ssh). I notice that nedit is slow - both to start up and to update. This is an issue because editing files is such a basic task. I haven't tried other editors (I have an aversion to vi). Any advice?

  3. I can't find xv on Atos - is there an alternative (for viewing png, gif etc)?

    1. eog is available, default utilities can be found using 'xdg-open <filename> (from Atos for dummies team). 

  4. I cant find xmgrace and latex and with wich reader can i look at pdf files (okular is not around)

  5. How about xanim? Anything on ATOS that will mimic its very useful functionalities? Notably pausing an animated gif, moving forwards or backwards one frame, changing playback speed? eog is OK but doesn't seem to touch on these things.