The VDI desktop system can be restarted within the "contextual menu" in the VmWare Horizon Client. This may be required, for example, if the desktop became unresponsive. The "Restart" option will produce a "soft" reset, switching off the operating system and the "Reset" will produce a "hard" reset, equivalent to using the "off" button of a computer, and might lead to corruption of profiles, etc. The first one should be tried first, the second one only as an alternative if the "soft" reset didn't have any effect after waiting a few seconds. 

The contextual menu can be invoked using a right-click or, when using a MacBook, click with two fingers in the touch pad.

If you can't see this window, you may have an automatic login setting enabled. In this case, go to the contextual menu (if in full-screen mode, move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen and wait until a top bar menu shows up). Then go to "Window" and select the "VMware Horizon Client" option at the bottom.

If there is not a "VMware Horizon Client" option at the bottom, go to "Connection" instead of "Window" and select "Log Off" from the menu, so you can see the desktop selection screen and go to the next step:

While there are also "shutdown" and "restart" options from the desktop itself, these require "root" access at this time, so they won't be accessible to users:

However, if you click the power button, then select your user account name and then "Log Out" from the drop-down menu, your session will be closed and the system will be automatically rebooted afterwards, so you will achieve the same result.


  1. In particular with the Bologna VDI, a major source of confusion is that the selection window shown in the first screenshot isn't easily accessible, at least on MacOS (presumably because with only one VM to choose from, it shortcuts straight to the VM window). To bring up this window, choose "Window" → "Open Selection Window" from the top-screen menu.

  2. I couldn't see how to get the menu, including "Window". My VM window is full screen (with Activities at top left). Then Saleh pointed out that if I move the mouse right to the top edge the menu appears - easy when you know how. 

    1. I just edited this page to add this, thanks

  3. One extra step was required for me to reset the Bologna VDI - click top menu "VMWARE horizon client", "preferences", uncheck  "Automatically connect to the desktop". Then follow instructions as above

  4. The picture seems to refer to the old

    I have a problem with the new ATOS

    There I don't get an intermediate list of connections; it get stuck straightaway.

    1. Hello, Hans. These instructions should work in either vdesk or desktop. What client are you using? Windows or Mac?

      You may have an automatic login setting enabled. Check the relevant paragraph in the document above (hover the top of the screen).

  5. I just get a black full screen when opening Bologna VDI and can not do anything. Can not see any menus and typing random keys on keyboard does not get me out of the black full screen. So I can not even get to the point to be able to follow these instructions. 

  6. I have the same problem as Inna, a frozen unresponsive screen. I cannot fo anything

  7. After a couple of attempts, I managed to reset it using the HTML version of VMWare Horizion in There are some hidden buttons there ...

    1. How do I launch the HTML version?

      1. On firefox:

        Then choose the right option HTML access

  8. Hi Michail, thanks for the tip, the reset in the HTML version worked for me...

  9. If all else fails, you need to contact service desk to ask them to restart your VDI – this is what needed to be done for me.

  10. I get this lovely message now. (sad) Same with my office mate.

  11. If you are using VmWare Horizon Client on MacBook, you can see the "selection window" (shown above) by:

    1. clicking anywhere on the client to make it active.
    2. On the top of the MacBook screen, you will see the associated menu. Click on "Window" (the second menu item from the right had side),
    3. then select "Open Selection Window" (in my case it is the 4th from the bottom).
    4. Once you get that window you can follow the instructions above. 

    Hope this helps.

  12. My issue now is that the Atos desktop is locked and it is not accepting to unlock!

  13. I found the following way to resolve a locked VDI in bologna ( on a Mac:

    • F3
    • move your mouse over the icon 'VMware Horizon Client' at the top of the screen
    • left-click the arrows at the top-left corner of that icon
    • left-click on the now larger VMware window to select it
    • go to the menu bar at the top and select: window → Open Selection Window
    • right click on the Linux desktop (RHEL 8.7) icon
    • select Logoff, Reset, Restart (in that order) depending on the severity of your case.

    That does the trick for me.