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Start dateEnd date (short events)Event typeAffected dataDescription
14/01/201428/01/2014BlacklistMET10 ASR and AMVs

Blacklist of MET10 ASR and AMVs due to the ongoing decontamination of MET10. The blacklist is a preventive one due to the possibility of the decontamination impact on the biases.

OutageFY-3B/MWTSWe stopped receiving FY-3B/MWTS and the cause is likely to be a fault in the instrument antenna
ActivationMTSAT-2 CSR
31/01/20143/02/2014OutageOCEANSAT-2/OSCATOutage of OCEANSAT-2/OSCAT due to a switch-off of the SCAT instrument onboard Oceansat-2. Data blacklisted from 03/02/2014 to allow a post checking of the data when back.
ActivationMETOP-B/IASIActivation of METOP-B/IASI
OutageMETOP-A/IASIMETOP-A/IASI went in Heater/Refuse Mode. This event occurred just prior to a planned activity (from 19/02/2014 to 23/02/2014) to perform a Parameter update for Compensation device test. An email was sent to EUMETSAT about this operation and from what we understood that a slight impact on the IASI L1 data quality is possible. The data will not be disseminated during the periods of test. Update (22/02/2014): METOP-A/IASI data are back and the quality is unaffected.
OutageOCEANSAT-2/OSCATOutage to OSCAT winds. According to EUMETSAT the data quality is severely degraded. The backscatter ratios are very low and winds cannot be retrieved correctly. Update (25/02/2014): An electronics problem onboard the Oceansat-2 satellite has been identified and requires a satellite system reconfiguration. The dissemination of OSCAT data will be interrupted for a further week at least. Update (27/02/2014): A preventive blacklist implemented in case the data start to flow again.
Quality changeS-NPP/CrISUpdate of CrIS calibration and this caused a significant change of bias associated with Long Wave channels
Blacklist updateIn-situMonthly update of the blacklist
Quality issuesAQUA/AIRSignificant drop of AQUA/AIRS data counts (see timeseries for Ch 75). he alarm system triggered several warnings recently. The MetOffice and Meteo-France monitoring systems are showing similar drop. We think that this is due to bad quality data (identified by a flag within the data) are rejected during the extraction.
02/03/201428/04/2014Reduced availabilityGround-Based GPSSevere drop of Ground-Based GPS data (see timeseries). This drop appeared to be caused by a change by the UK MetOffice of the GTS routing headers.
10/03/201418/03/2014OutageMETOP-B/IASIMETOP-B/IASI unavailable due to an ongoing decontamination operation. The data are back and it seems that the noise is noticeably reduced for a significant number of channels.
BlacklistMETOP-A/ASCATMETOP-A/ASCAT blacklisted due to an update of the calibration. The data need to be checked. So far the quality of the data is similar to what we had.
BlacklistMETOP-B/ASCATBlacklist of METOP-B/ASCAT (and maintain the METOP-A/ASCAT blacklist) to allow the use of the correct bias correction file. It was discovered that we are using an old file (used with the previous cycle). As OSCAT is currently unavailable, the system is not using any scatterometer data.
22/03/201429/03/2014OutageAQUA/AIRSThe AIRS instrument is currently experiencing a hardware fault (affecting the cryocoolers used to cool the infrared detectors). We had two cycles of severely degraded data (see timeseries) before NASA's decision to stop the data dissemination. We hope that a corrective action will be implemented
26/03/201421/05/2014OutageMETOP-A/MHSMETOP-A/MHS is experiencing a hardware anomaly. Update (21/03/2014): EUMETSAT successfully restored MHS and the data started to flow again. The data are not being extracted till a blacklist is in place (expected to be done on Tuesday 27 of May)
26/03/201424/04/2014Reduced availabilityEARS METOP-A/AMSUAEARS METOP-A/AMSUA severely reduced (data only being received from OMAN HRPT station)
Data cessationOCEANSAT-2/OSCATOCEANSAT-2/OSCAT failed Permanantly. The wind product are now discontinued.
28/04/201414/05/2014BlacklistS-NPP/ATMSEmergency blacklist of ATMS data due to processing problems. Recent issues with ATMS Channel 6 caused inconsistencies in the spatial averaging procedure performed at ECMWF
06/05/201414/05/2014Blacklist GOES-13 and GOES-15 AMVsBlacklist of GOES-13 and GOES-15 AMVs to allow a proper evaluation of the new hourly AMV product. We are having significantly much more data. The quality of low level winds improved significantly (see GOES-13 IR AMVs statistics)
07/05/201429/05/2014OutageAQUA MODIS AMVsOutage cause by a decoder issue at ECMWF
Technical change
Operational implementation of the SAPP system
Re-activationMETOP-A/MHSRe-activation of METOP-A/MHS after a long outage
Re-activationAQUA MODIS AMVs
06/06/201410/06/2014OutageNOAA-16 dataNOAA-16 Spacecraft Anomaly. The cause of the problem remains unknown. As a precaution, It has been decided to temporarily blacklist NOAA-16/AMSUA data. Update: After invetigations, NOAA decided to decommission NOAA-16 after 13 years of service. Before this major anomaly ECMWF was still using data from NOAA-16/AMSUA and NOAA-16/AVHRR AMVs.
New dataRadiosondes (China)Extraction of 10 additional radiosondes from CMA
Re-activationNOAA-15/AVHRR AMVsRe-activation of NOAA-15/AVHRR AMVs. The data was accidentally blacklisted.
Blacklist update In-situMonthly update of the blacklist
Corrupted dataOSTIACorrupted OSTIA SST files caused forecast issues affecting one cycle
15/8/201412/9/2014Quality issuesAIREPAIREP winds were affected by a sudden and severe increase of departures over the North Atlantic (see AIREP wind speed statistics). As a result  AIREP winds were blacklisted on the 19th of August. The problem was caused by an unannounced format change that affected most of AIREP data. A change is needed to adapt the decoding to the new format.
ActivationGOME2 from METOP-A and METOP-B Activation of GOME2 Total column ozone from METOP-A and METOP-B.
Re-activationAIREPActivation of AIREP wind data after a decoder changer
New data monitoredGRACE-B/GPSRO
Data increase
Significant increase in the number of in-situ data (see timeseries for SYNOP Ps). The increase was caused by a revision by the MetOffice of the GTS  data routing.
21/10/201424/10/2014OutageData routed from NESDISA network outage at the level of NESDIS caused a severe outage of many satellite data: AIRS, AQUA/AMSUA, GOES-15 and GOES-13 AMVs and CSR, AQUA and TERRA AMVs and COSMIC GPSRO. Other centres were affected too. Most the data came back on the 24th of October except GOES-15, AQUA and TERRA AMVs due the the fact that the ftp site hosting them was not re-established. Production switched to the use of GTS to retrieve these data
BlacklistMTSAT-2 (AMV and CSR)Blacklist of MTSAT-2 data (AMV and CSR) due to the yearly ground segment maintenance
Technical changeSYNOP BUFRUpdate of CY40R1 to allow the activation of observations in BUFR format. Currently, only BUFR SYNOPS from the UK, Ireland and Netherlands and high resolution TEMPs from Germany, Ireland and E-ASAP are being used. The bias correction of BUFR surface pressure observations is not yet properly working.
BlacklistNOAA-18/AMSU-ATemporary blacklist of NOAA-18/AMSU-A channel 9 due to an increase of radiometric noise (see radiometric noise).
Blacklist updateIn-situUpdate station list catalogue together with blacklisting of stations with significant changes in position/elevation.
29/11/201402/12/2014OutageFY-3B/MWHSOutage of FY-3B/MWHS due to a technical problem at the level of the data provider
MET-10 AMVs and ASRsBlacklist MET-10 AMVs and ASRs during decontamination period
05/12/201410/12/2014OutageAVHRR and AQUA MODIS AMVs
10/12/201411/12/2014Technical issueF19/SSMISSome F19/SSMIS data (which are not used at ECMWF) were added by mistake to F17/SSMIS (which are used). This was done at the level of the data producer and led to a significant increase of used data. The departures increased significantly for many channels. The problem is now solved after interaction with the data provider.
Data resumptionGRACE-A ROWe started to receive again RO data from GRACE-A. In the same time we lost the newly introduced RO from GRACE-B
Blacklist updateIn-situMonthly update of the blacklist
Blacklist updatetropospheric humidity from RS41 sondesUse of tropospheric humidity from RS41 sondes
Blacklist updateRadiosonde from SHIP DBLKSwitch to BUFR TEMP from SHIP DBLK