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Real-time forecasts

Nominal start dates




System 4SEAS5System 5System 6System7system=12system=13system=14system=15GloSea6

September 2017 - October 2017(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)

November 2017 - January 2018(error)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)

February 2018 - April 2018(error)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(1)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)

May 2018 - October 2018(error)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)

November 2018 - April 2019(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(3)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)

May 2019 - September 2019(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(2)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)

October 2019 - April 2020(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)

May 2020 - September 2020(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)

October 2020(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)

November 2020 -  February 2021(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)

March 2021 - present(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(4)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)

(1) Upgrade on data provision: changes in set of parameters available, see column noted with 'C3S-0.1 netcdf' in this link. Data deficiencies fixed, see known issues D2 and D3.
(2) Upgrade to model version: GloSea5-GC2-LI. Data deficiencies fixed, see known issue D9.
(3) Hindcast period is extended to 2016.
(4) With the introduction of GloSea6, the labelling of the system keyword for systems with hindcasts produced on-the-fly was changed. More details here.


Nominal start dateECMWFMétéo-FranceMet Office(a)DWDCMCCNCEPJMA
System 4SEAS5System 5System 6System 7system=12system=13system=14system=15GloSea6

(a) NOTE:  For For the Met Office contribution, due to the production of hindcasts "on-the-fly", the CDS keyword 'system' does not have the same meaning as for the other contributors. Instead, it is just an indexing label that gets changed once per yearMore details here.


(tick) *
Currently these data are temporarily only available using CDS API and may appear as (partially or totally) unavailable in the CDS interactive forms.


titleNominal Start Dates

For systems with lagged ensembles having multiple start dates, the "nominal" start date is assigned as follows:

Météo-France (all systems):

  • Forecasts/Hindcasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised in the last weeks of month M-1 and on the 1st of month M

NOTE: Even though the different members of all Météo-France forecasting system ensembles are initialized using a lagged approach, the real start dates are not revealed to the users, so all members are encoded as if they were initialized on the 1st of the month


UK MetOffice (all systems):

  • Forecasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 1st of month M and all available members with start dates back to, and including, the 2nd of month M-1
    • Note that even though just the most recent 50 members are used for C3S products, the complete set of members are available through the CDS
  • Hindcasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 1st of month M and on the 25th, 17th and 9th of month M-1


  • Forecasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 1st of month M and all available members with start dates back to, and including, the 2nd of month M-1
    • Note that even though just the most recent 52 members are used for C3S products, the complete set of members are available through the CDS
  • Hindcasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 1st of month M (if available) and on all start days from month M-1 except the 1st (see table below)
Nominal start monthDates used for C3S productsAdditionally available dates

1 January; 27, 22 and 17 December

12, 7 and 2 December
FEBRUARY31, 26, 21 and 16 January11 and 6 January
MARCH25, 20, 15 and 10 February5 February
APRIL1 April; 27, 22 and 17 March12, 7 and 2 March
MAY1 May; 26, 21 and 16 April11 and 6 April
JUNE31, 26, 21 and 16 May11 and 6 May
JULY30, 25, 20 and 15 June10 and 5 June
AUGUST30, 25, 20 and 15 July10 and 5 July
SEPTEMBER29, 24, 19 and 14 August9 and 4 August
OCTOBER28, 23, 18 and 13 September8 and 3 September
NOVEMBER28, 23, 18 and 13 October8 and 3 October
DECEMBER27, 22, 17 and 12 November7 and 2 November


  • Forecasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 1st of month M (if available) and on all start days from month M-1 except the 1st
    • Note that even though just the most recent 52 members are used for C3S products (4 start dates), the complete set of members are available through the CDS
  • Hindcasts: nominal month M includes the members initialised on the 2 available start dates from month M-1 (or 1 start date from month M-1 and the 1st of month M when the latter is available)

See details about available dates from JMA at section 6 (Other relevant information) of the forecasting system description
