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titleECMWF Cray HPC

When running on the ECMWF Cray XC40 the following changes need to be made:

  • In $OIFS_HOME/t21test/ and t21test_xios_t255ac/ include the line:  export OIFS_RUNCMD="aprun -n $NPROC -d $NTHREADS -ss $MASTER".  
    See here: Running with MPI on the Cray - aprun command
  • In $OIFS_HOME/t21test_xios_t255ac/platform/ copy file to, open the latter file in an editor and change the variable settings and paths according to your environment.
    In $OIFS_HOME/t21test_xois_t255ac/ edit the line:  platform=me

t21test:  This directory contains the original acceptance test which is provided with OpenIFS.  It should work in the same way for OpenIFS/AC as described in the OpenIFS User Guide.
