Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Climate mode:  The model is run continuously for a longer period fc experiment while the dynamics is nudged every 6 hours to ei analyses (which were interpolated from 60 to 91 levels).

The default experiment ID is set as oifc abcd and the model is set up such that it runs on $SCRATCH of the HPCFHPC.

$SCRATCH/43r3/experiments/prepACabcd/oifcchem_ic/ will contain the chemical initial and boundary conditions for the experiment.

$SCRATCH/43r3/experiments/abcd/runs/oifc/ will  will contain the experiment directory.


  • submit job:  qsub ./run-cca.job

Script modifications

No Format
diff --git a/AC-experiments/config.h b/AC-experiments/config.h index 02a6f11..6fbf4fb 100644
--- a/AC-experiments/config.h
+++ b/AC-experiments/config.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ LAC4IC=true
 # Base OIFS dataset
 # Nudging files location (must end with a "/")  nudg_gg_file_path=/scratch/ms/nl/nm6/ECE-DATA/atm-nudging/oifs/
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ nudg_sh_file_path=/scratch/ms/nl/nm6/ECE-DATA/atm-nudging/oifs/
 # ICMCL-YYYYMM0100, where YYYY and MM match those of your start date.
 # If ICMCLDIR is empty or not defined, ICMCL files are created according to  # section "ICMCL configuration" of config.h -ICMCLDIR=/scratch/ms/nl/nm6/ECE-DATA/OPENIFS/ICMCL
 ####  AC-specific: Dataset for IC and ICMCL-COMPO ####  #  # (1) Dir with already prepared IC and ICMCL-COMPO
 #     (Use option '-p' when calling "" script)
 # (2) If files in OIFS_INIDATA_DIR are not used, IC and ICMCL-COMPO are
 #     created from archived experiments and distributed data.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ OIFS_INIDATA_DIR="/scratch/ms/nl/nm6/ECE-DATA/OPENIFS/INITIAL-CONDITIONS/T255L91
 # - DIR with standard IC. If empty, retrieved from archived experiments
 #   defined hereafter (require MARS access then)
 # - FILE with AC tracers and initial fluxes (can be created with LAC4IC=true
 #   by OIFS/AC runs). Must be passed at the command line to the
diff --git a/AC-experiments/ b/AC-experiments/ index c65b243..64da99f 100755
--- a/AC-experiments/
+++ b/AC-experiments/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ source scripts/
 ## OIFS_NPROC      : value set by the calling job
 ## OMP_NUM_THREADS : value set by the calling job
 source platform/oifs-config.${platform}.sh
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/AC-experiments/run-cca.job b/AC-experiments/run-cca.job index f4d09a3..db5c21f 100644
--- a/AC-experiments/run-cca.job
+++ b/AC-experiments/run-cca.job
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #PBS -q np
-#PBS -l EC_billing_account=nlchekli
 #PBS -j oe
 #PBS -S /bin/bash
 #PBS -l EC_total_tasks=288