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Steps to carry out an experiment

Preparing an experiment

The experiment controls are in $OIFS_HOME/AC-experiments/

Here are the following scripts:

  •  script to generate initial conditions for chemical fields for the selected run time. Begin and end date need to be given as an argument.
  • config.h  settings for model installation, paths, and experiment configuration
  •  script controls the workflow for the experiment: reads experiment config, sets up run directories (in $SCRATCH), loads platform configuration, edits namelists, links to initial conditions and executes OIFS_RUNCMD
  • run-cca.job  wrapper script for, required settings for batch scheduler

In $OIFS_HOME/AC-experiments/platform:

  • it is necessary to create a machine config file:  sh  (we can re-use the one used in t21test_xios_t255ac)create

Create a wrapper script to submit the batch job; in the platform directory the following templates exist:

  • ecmwf-cca.job.tmpl    –    run oifs without XIOS   (try this first!)   this is virtually the same as $OIFS_HOME/AC-experiments/run-cca.job
  • ecmwf-cca+xios.job.tmpl    –    run oifs with XIOS     this is virtually the same as $OIFS_HOME/AC-experiments/run-cca+xios.job
  •    –    workflow for a run with a series of restarts

Forecast without restarts

We begin with a batch job to run OpenIFS/AC without restarts and without XIOS.  For this purpose we modify run-cca.job:



  • in run-cca.job delete the accounting PBS header line:   #PBS -l EC_billing_account=nlchekli

Edit the following lines in file config.h:

  • PLATFORM='damk' or 'atos-intel'  (depending on Cray or Atos)
  • OIFS_DATA_DIR= (set to your oifs data dir)
  • ICMCLDIR= (set to where ICMCL directory has previously been extracted to
  • OIFS_INIDATA_DIR= path_to_.../INITIAL_CONDITIONS/T255L91-tm5-none
  • MET_IC_DIR= path_to_...ICMCL/aabg/2010010100

Prepare initial conditions for chemistry:

  • scripts require the following script requires the substring and the grib_get commands:  On the Cray load modules sms and eccodeseccodes   (not clear for Atos?)
  • run script 2010-01-01 2010-01-03  (if startdate and enddate are not given 2010-01-01 + 2 days fclength is used as default)
    (this command takes a few minutes to complete, check $PROGDIR as this presumes the location of timeint.exe)
  • during the above process an experiment directory is created:  $SCRATCH/43r3/experiments/{expid}/chem_ic/  with default expid=abcd  (contains about 1.7 GB data)


  • submit job:  qsub ./run-cca.job

Forecast with restarts

unclear how to do that

Script modifications

