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Comment: Instructions to install the AC patch


No Format
(login with username and password for OpenIFS users)
cd src/openifs-ac
get openifs-ac.43r3.v1.tgzgz

Installing the OpenIFS/AC sources


  • Create a new home for the OpenIFS/AC installation. Here we call this location /home/openifs-ac
  • Change into your new directory and unpack therein the original OpenIFS model sources:   tar xvzf oifs43r3v2.tgz
  • In a second step, in the same folder unpack gunzip the OpenIFS/AC sources :  tar xvzf and patch the original OpenIFS:
    • gunzip openifs-ac.43r3.v1
    • .gz
    • patch -p1 <openifs-ac.43r3.v1

Note that some files of the original model will be replacedmodified. It is therefore essential to install the original OpenIFS 43r3v2 sources first before installing the OpenIFS/AC sources.


  • Change into your $OIFS_HOME directory where OpenIFS is installed:  cd $OIFS_HOME
  • In this directory extract the downloaded source package:   tar xvzf
    • gunzip openifs-ac.43r3.v1
    • .gz
    • patch -p1 <openifs-ac.43r3.v1

Note that this unpacking will not only add new files to your existing $OIFS_HOME but it will also overwrite some of the existing files with updated versions required for OpenIFS/AC.


No Format
PLATFORM='ecmwf-atos'   # this needs to match the name of the platform configuration file
EXP=abcd                # you should select here an experiment ID (4-letter alphanumeric word, must not start with '0')

RUNDIR=${SCRATCH}/43r3/experiments/${EXP}/runs         # this is the experiment directory
AC_IC_DIR=${SCRATCH}/43r3/experiments/${EXP}/chem_ic   # this is the stageingstaging directory for initial and boundary conditions data files

# Simulation start and end date. If setting time (not mandatory), **put it before** the date
run_start_date="00:00 2010-01-01"
run_end_date="${run_start_date} + 2 days"
rst_freq='6 day'        # Run for 6 days without restarts. Our experiment will finish after 2 days, so this will be ignored. 
USE_RESTART=false       # Do not write restart files.
