Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • What's the impact of the different 'lead times' on the forecast of the storm (i.e. starting from different dates)?

  • What's the impact of resolution on the forecast of the storm: both for it's development and impact over areas worse hit in Europe?

  • Does reducing the model timestep improve or worsen the forecast?

  • Reduce the gravity wave drag - how does this affect the forecast in the upper and lower levels?

    titleHow to change the code (click here to expand)

     Edit the source code to half the gravity wave drag coefficient

    File: ifs/phys_ec/sugwd.F90, change:

    Code Block
    Line 108: !  Revised gwd parameter values
    Line 109: GKDRAG =0.15_JPRB


    Code Block
    Line 108: !  Revised gwd parameter values
    Line 109: GKDRAG = 0.075_JPRB   !  half GWD coefficient: 0.15_JPRB
  • Increase the precipitation auto conversion rate - what impact does this have?

    titleHow to change the code (click here to expand…)

    Edit the source code to increase the auto conversion rate by 20%

    File: ifs/phys_ec/sucldp.F90, change:

    Code Block
    line 123: RKCONV=1._JPRB/6000._JPRB   ! 1/autoconversion time scale (s)


    Code Block
    line 123: ! RKCONV=1._JPRB/6000._JPRB   ! 1/autoconversion time scale (s)
    line 124: RKCONV=1.2_JPRB/6000._JPRB    ! default scaled by 20%: 1/autoconversion time scale (s)
  • Change the surface transfer coefficient in the turbulence scheme

    titleHow to change the model code (click here to expand)

    Reduce the coefficient by 20%.

    Alter surf/module/surfexcdriver_ctl_mod.F90 from :

    Code Block
    line 671:  DO JL=KIDIA,KFDIA
    line 672:    IF (JTILE == IFRMAX(JL)) THEN 
    line 673:      PKHLEV(JL)=ZKHLEV(JL)
    line 674:    ENDIF
    line 675:  ENDDO


    Code Block
    line 671:  DO JL=KIDIA,KFDIA
    line 672:    IF (JTILE == IFRMAX(JL)) THEN 
    line 673:      PKHLEV(JL)=ZKHLEV(JL)
    line 674:    ENDIF
    line 675:    !  reduce surface transfer coeff by 20% in turbulence scheme
    line 677:  ENDDO
  • Reduce the asymptotic mixing length scale (K) - how does this affect surface & near-surface fields?

    titleHow to change the model code (click here to expand)

    For this change, two files need to be edited:

    Code Block
     line 53: RLAM   = 75.0_jprb  !! 150._JPRB: reduce to 75m 


    Code Block
     ZKLEN     = 75.0_jprb  !! 150.0_JPRB     ! asymptotic K length scale troposphere - Reduce to 75m
  • For these last 4 cases where the model's parametrizations have been altered, which make the biggest difference and why? Does any of the changes improve the forecast in any way?

  • If you were providing forecasts for wind and precipitation to the general public based on these experiments, what could you say with certainty and what is less certain? How would this change over different countries?



Further reading

Ulbrich et al., 2001, Weather, 56, 70-80

Wikipedia article:

Cyclone Lothar and Martin, Wikipedia article, retrieved 17/12/14.

This article in a recent ECMWF Newsletter has a description of student projects at the University of Stockholm using the Lothar storm case study.

A. Hannachi, J. Kjellsson, M. Tjernström, G. Carver, 2012, Teaching with the OpenIFS at Stockholm University, ECMWF Newsletter No. 134, Winter 2012/13.

Wikipedia article:

Cyclone Lothar and Martin, Wikipedia article, retrieved 17/12/14.


The forecasting system at ECMWF makes use of "ensembles" of forecasts to account for errors in the initial state. In reality, the forecast depends on the initial state in a much more complex way than just the model resolution or starting date.  At ECMWF many initial states are created for the same starting time by use of "singular vectors" and "ensemble data assimilation" techniques which change the vertical structure of the initial perturbations.

As further reading and an extension of this case study, research how these methods work. 


We gratefully acknowledge: Dr Anton Beljaars (ECMWF) for suggestions and code changes for the parametrization changes in the list of sensitivity experiments; Prof Erland Kallen for reviewing & comments on the text.
