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MSLP, T2m, 10m winds, 6hrly RR (rainfall rate), do we have this? If not, accum. total precipitation ,

SST : from analysis, HRES, oper. ensemble and expt:gioi (to compare)

200, 500, 700, 850 hPa : Geopotential, temperature,  potential temperature & , equivalent potential temperature, winds (U/V), relative humidity (rather than sp. hum.),   @ 200, 500, 700, 850 hPavertical velocity (note: ENM suggested VV on 600hPa only)

850hPa only : absolute vorticity (not on any other levels)

925hPa additional winds & rel. humidity only (in addition to above levels)also 925hPa for winds & humidity only

PV + wind (U/V) @ 330 K isentrope (see Fig.10/13 in paper)

Geopotential/winds at 2PVU (do we archive these?)

Vertical x-sections

Vertical x-sections

Daily only (00Z)

Tropospheric pressure levels only (200hPa ->)

Fields: Potential temperature, potential vorticity, winds (normal winds preferred), relative humidity, vertical vel. -- needs reviewing, would need all pressure levels & will be too much data? PV + winds would be priority.

Request is for: all levels for : PV, winds, vertical velocity (if poss), rel. humidity, potential temperature (last two if space permits).

Suggest: if data size is a problem, omit the reduced resolution uncertainty runs.

Good if students could use metview to plot x-section through centre of storm, finding the storm centre themselves, perhaps modifying macros themselves ?

If too much data, make the full level data only available at specific times (e.g. daily). Failing that pre-plot images.


Observational data


An & all forecasts & all ensemble members (if space). Review if necessary.


Observational data

  • if time and space only.possibly synop data to add to plot similar to fig2?

Data domain

Extract data similar to domain in figure 1 but suggest crop


AN 15N - 65N / 20E




60W (


to capture Nadine track from 15th), FC 20N - 65N / 20E - 50W


Other data

Satellite images to be provided by ENM & included on VM. Due to licensing restrictions we can't provide the GRIB data on the VM.Perhaps we can overlay geotagged TIFs?




  • 1x1, 2x2
  • Difference maps (an-fc, ens-control)
  • stamp maps
  • RMSE curves geopotential (500hPa), RMSE plumes
  • spaghetti plots
  • nadine track icon
  • PCA (new)


Students should do at least:

  • MSLP + 10m winds / T2m -> interesting for tracking Nadine & primary circulation+ overlay with 850hPa absolute vorticity + overlay with 700hPa rel. humidity -> Signatures at low levels of Nadine and disturbance associated with the cutoff low.  Mid level humidity of the systems. 
  • Geopotential + temperature at 500hPa --> mid-trop localization of the cold cutoff and warm Nadine. On the deterministic forecast we should not see Nadine and the cutoff 'meeting' with Nadine moving eastward.
  • Geopotential + temperature at 850hPa --> lower level conditions, detection of fronts
  • Equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa  + winds at 850 hPa + vertical velocity at 600hPa + MSLP in background --> focussing on the moist and warm air in the lower levels and the vertival motion. There should not be a strong horizontal temperature gradient around Nadine, the winds should be stronger for Nadine than for the cutoff.

  • 10meter winds + 6hourly RR + MSLP in background --> We should see an impact on the RR over France around t+108h (cf Pantillon fig 2)

  • 1.5 PVU geopotential + winds or 330K potential vorticity (PV) + winds --> upper level conditions, upper level jet and the cutoff signature in PV, interaction between Nadine and the trough

Vertical x-sections

Vertical x-sections in the cutoff and in Nadine. Students should do at least:

  • PV + winds (preferably normal winds) +  potential temperature --> to look at the cold core or warm core structure of the systems on the vertical and the signature in PV and winds.
  • PV + relative humidity + vertical velocity --> a more classical x-section that we use to see if a PV anomaly is accompanied with vertical motion or not.

Q. How to plot ensembles? All ensemble members or cluster x-section?

From Frédéric: (15/Mar)

