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Dump the content of a BUFR file in different formats.


bufr_dump [options] bufr_file bufr_file ...



JSON mode (JavaScript Object Notation). Options: s->structure, f->flat (only data), a->all attributes
Default mode is structure.


Decoding dump. Provides instructions to decode the input message. Options:
   filter   -> filter instructions file to decode the input BUFR
   fortran -> fortran program to decode the input BUFR
   python   -> python script to decode the input BUFR
   C       C -> C program to decode the input BUFR
Default mode is filter.


Encoding dump. Provides instructions to create the input message. Options:
   filter    -> filter instructions file to encode the input BUFR
   fortran -> fortran program to encode the input BUFR
   python   -> python script to encode the input BUFR
   C        -> C program to encode the input BUFR
Default mode is filter.


Octet mode. WMO documentation style dump.


Plain dump.


Print all data values.


Print only some values.


Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be specified. Default type is string. In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.


Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


  1. To dump BUFR messages into a flat JSON format.

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -jf ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr

  2. To dump BUFR messages into a structured JSON format. Note: This is the default if you omit the -j option

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -js ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr

  3. To dump a Fortran program with instructions to create (encode) the input message.

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -Efortran ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr > encode.aaen_55.f90
    Now compile and run 'encode.aaen_55.f90'. This will create a new BUFR file called 'outfile.bufr'. Check this is the the same as the input.
    Code Block
    > bufr_compare ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr outfile.bufr

  4. To dump a Python program with instructions to decode the input message.

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -Dpython ../data/bufr/aaen_55.bufr >
    Examine the generated Python script ''. You will see how to access each of the BUFR keys

  5. To dump in a WMO documentation style with hexadecimal octet values (-H).

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -OH ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr



  2. To add key type information (-t).

    Code Block
    > bufr_dump -OtH ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr