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The International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG) was established to help gather requirements specific to surface observations and to enhance both our understanding and ability to monitor the components of the Earth system including land, vegetation, snow, ice, and coastal and open waters.  The IESWG plenary sessions will be focused on preparing our recommendations and input to the CGMS WGII. Below the draft program.program.

Topics of particular focus included Earth Observations research & operational applications involving:

  •     Snow, ice, and cryosphere-atmosphere interactions
  •     Vegetation and land-atmosphere fluxes
  •     Soil moisture, river-discharge, and water cycle

IESWG 2023 Co-Chairs: Dr. Ben Ruston (JCSDA) and Dr. Gianpaolo Balsamo (ECMWF).

Newly-elected IESWG Co-Chairs: Dr. Clara Draper (NOAA) and Dr. Gianpaolo Balsamo (ECMWF). Newly-elected Rapporteur to CGMS: Dr. Ben Ruston (JCSDA).

1600Health BreakLunchSession - 0930 systems1100 - 1200

Program of the IESWG-5 (2023) the 5th International Earth Surface Working Group

Location: Address:

Physical Meeting at Dynamicum, Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland

How to find Dynamicum?

. On-Line Meeting on MS-Teams link valid for the 3-Day meeting.

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IESWG 2023: Onsite participants at FMI
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IESWG 2023: Onsite participants at FMI
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IESWG Social - Dinner in Helsinki, Zetor
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IESWG 2023: Online participants (1)
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IESWG 2023: Online participants (1)

IESWG Program

Time (Helsinki local time, UTC+3)Name (* - onsite confirmed participants)DayTimeNameOrganizationSessionTitle of Contribution





- 0910

- 0930

View file
nameD1P1 - Balsamo Ruston - IESWG-5 Introduction.pdf

Gianpaolo Balsamo* & Ben Ruston*ECMWF/UCAR/JCSDAIESWG coordinationWelcome, IESWG recognised as CGMS WG.

0930 - 1000

View file
nameD1P2 - Arslan - FMI Welcome IESWG_Helsinki_2023.pdf

0910 - 0930

Ali Arslan*

FMIIESWG hostFMI Introduction0930

1000 - 1030

View file
nameD1P3 - Zhan - NOAA Satellite Land Surface Products.pdf

- 1000

Xiwu ZhanNOAA NESDISLand Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model DevelopmentLand Surface Satellite Data Products from NOAA NESDIS for Numerical Weather and Water Prediction Models and Societal Applications1000 - 1030Darren GhentUniversity of LeicesterLand Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model DevelopmentLand Surface Temperature CCI: approaches to long-term data for climate
1030 - 1100

Health Break

1100 - 1130

View file
nameD1P5 - Waring_Ice_Surface_Temps.pdf

Abigail Waring*University of Leicester/NCEOLand Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model DevelopmentImproving Ice Surface Temperature Observations from Space: Regional Climate Trend Analyses for Aqua MODIS Ice Surface Temperatures & Progress Towards a Merged Product

1130 - 1200

View file
nameD1P6 - SASSI_Assimilation_of_LST.pdf

Zied Sassi*CNRMLand Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model DevelopmentAssimilation of IASI retirieved LST in the surface analysis sustem of ARPEGE global model
1200 - 1330


1330 - 1400

Benjamin Ruston

View file
nameD1P7 - Draper_LandATmosDA_IESWG5_Sep2023.pdf

Clara Draper*NOOA/OARUCAR/JCSDALand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DALand Assimilation with JEDI SkylabImproving land-atmosphere DA coupling in NWP

1400 - 1430

View file
nameD1P8 - Marimbordes_2DEnVar_surface_analysis.pdf

1430 - 1500

Sophie Marimbordes*Météo-FranceLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DATowards a 2DEnVar approach to surface analysis within AROME-France

1430 - 1500

- 1530

View file
nameD1P9 - Birman_MF_surface_assimilation.pdf

Camille Birman*Météo FranceLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DARecent and ongoing developments in surface data assimilation for NWP at Météo France

1500 - 1530




1600 - 1630

D1P10 - Pinnington_towards_ensemble_land_da_at_ecmwf.pdf

Ewan PinningtonECMWFLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DATowards Ensemble Land Data Assimilation at ECMWF
1530 - 1600

Health Break

1600 - 1630

- 1700

View file
nameD1P11 - CharltonPerez_MetOffice_LSDA_Sept2023.pdf

Cristina Charlton-Perez*Met OfficeLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DAA review of current Met Office LSDA systems

1716:0030-17:30AllPlenarySummary of Day 1

Recommendations drafting

DayTimeNameOrganizationSessionTitle of Contribution




0900 - 0930

View file
nameD2P1 - Pullen_LSDA_JEDI.pdf

Samantha Pullen*Met Office (UK)Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DAPlanning a new JEDI-based land surface DA system for the Met Office

0930 - 1000

View file
nameD2P2 - Geppert - Towards VAR at DWD.pdf

Gernot Geppert*DWDLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DAProgress towards new variational surface analyses at DWD

1000 - 1030

View file
nameD2P3 - deRosnay_IESWG_2023_09_27.pdf

Patricia de RosnayECMWFLand Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DACoupled land-atmosphere data assimilation at ECMWF (slides)
1030 - 1100

Health Break

1100 - 1130

View file
nameD2P4 - Kondo - JMA MW assimilation.pdf

Keiichi KONDOJapan Meteorological AgencyLand Water Cycle AdvancesImpact of microwave radiance assimilation over land using dynamic emissivity in the global NWP system of JMA

1130 - 1200

View file

Martin LangeLangeDWDLand Water Cycle AdvancesRecent modifications in global Snow observation network
1200 - 1300*  

Please note the UPDATED program


1300 - 1330

View file
nameD2P6 - Weston - VOD Assimilation.pdf

Pete Weston*ECMWFLand Water Cycle AdvancesAssimilation of VOD products into the ECMWF land data assimilation system

1330 - 1400

View file

Indira Rani SNCMRWFLand Water Cycle AdvancesValidation of in-situ soil parameters over India

1400 - 1430

View file

Li FangXiwu ZhanNOAA NESDISLand Water Cycle AdvancesAll-sky Evapotranspiration Data Products from Satellite Observations for Taiwan Weather Models and Agricultural Drought Monitoring

1430 - 1500

Pete WestonECMWFLand Water Cycle Advances

View file
nameD1P4 - Ghent LST_cci.pdf

Darren GhentUniversity of LeicesterLand Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model DevelopmentLand Surface Temperature CCI: approaches to long-term data for climateAssimilation of VOD products into the ECMWF land data assimilation system
1500 -1530

Health Break

1530 - 1600

View file
nameD2P10 - Zeng - SoilPlantDigitalTwin_STEMMUS_SCOPE_Yijian_Present.pdf

Yijian Zeng*ITC Faculty, University of TwenteLand Water Cycle AdvancesUnderstanding Drought Response of Ecosystems with a Soil-Plant Digital Twin

1600 - 1630

View file
nameD2P11 - Lu - LSM diagnosis and improvment.pdf

Hui LuTsinghua UniversityLand Water Cycle AdvancesDiagnosis and improvement of land surface models based on remote sensing

1630 - 1700

View file
nameD2P12 - Kumar_Nonstationarity_IESWG_Sep2023.pdf

Sujay Kumar*NASALand Water Cycle Advances

Non-stationarity in the global terrestrial water cycle and its interlinkages in the Anthropocene assessed by land data assimilation

17:00-17:30AllPlenarySummary of Day 2

Recommendations drafting& Action first draft

DayTimeNameOrganizationLinkTitle of Contribution




0900 - 1030All

Presentation of the survey of current

Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDAS) 

Preparation of the survey of new Physiography

1100 - 1200All + Ben/Gp0930 - 1030Plenary - Items of Concern largest gaps in knowledge, Group coordination/collaboration,1030 - 1100Health Break

Actions and Recommendation to bring forward to CGMS, election of IESWG chairs/rapporteur.

Topics of particular focus include Earth Observations research & operational applications involving:


Important dates: Registration for online participation only are still open at .

The International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG) will be a hybrid has been conducted as a hybrid meeting with 2 full days of presentations and discussions on 26-27 September 2023, and the a final day on the 28 September 2023 for plenary, actions and outcomes. 22 Talks and about 50 Participants have contributed to the exciting program of the 2023 edition. Next meeting is foreseen to take place in Spring 2025 indicatively in Asia (Japan) with dates and venue to be confirmed. 


Important links: The IESWG is running a Survey on Global/Regional Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) at this link The Presentations and discussion material for the 3-day meeting have been gathered in these folders: 
