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List content of BUFR files printing values of some header keys. Only scalar keys can be printed. It does not fail when a key is not found.


bufr_ls [options] bufr_file bufr_file ...



Declaration of keys to print. For each key a string (key:s) or , a double (key:d) or a long an integer (key:li) type can be requested. Default type is string.


C style format for floating-point values.


As -p adding the declared keys to the default list.


Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s) or , a double (key:d) or a long an integer (key:li) type can be specified. Default type is string.


Order by. The output will be ordered according to the order by directive. Order by example: "step asc, centre desc" (step ascending and centre descending) In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.


Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s) or , a double (key:d) or a long an integer (key:li) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


bufr_ls examples

  1. Without options a default list of keys is printed. The default list can be different depending on the type of bufr BUFR message.

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls ../data/bufr/syno_*multi.bufr 
    The result is:
    Code Block
    masterTablesVersionNumbercentre  localTablesVersionNumber   rdbType                masterTablesVersionNumber  localTablesVersionNumber  rdbSubtype typicalDate                rdbtimeYeartypicalTime                rdbtimeMonthrdbType               typicalDate     rdbSubtype           typicalTime      rdbtimeDate                rdbtimeTime                numberOfSubsets            localLatitude              localLongitude             
    13ecmf                       13    1                     1     1                     20090124     1              120000            2012         1              10            1             20121030             20090124      000000             121435        1             1             7.45             70.93          151.83            -8.67        
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr
    ecmf                 1      13                    1     1                     1     20090124                   120000  2012                   1    10                      1   20121030                   000000    20090124                 1  121435                     1   7.45                       151.8377                    
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_2.bufr
    ecmf      1                 13         1                1          3                20090124          2012         120000              10       1                  20121030        1           000000               20090124      1             121435             -15.93        1             -5.67             78.92        
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_3.bufr
    13         11.93                1     
    3 of 3 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    3 of 3 total messages in           1                          1                          2012                       10                         20121030                   000000                     1                          54.18                      7.9                       
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_4.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          70.93                      -8.67                     
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          77                         15.5                      
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          78.92                      11.93                     
    3 of 3 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    7 of 7 total messages in 5 files

  2. To list only a subset of messages use the -w (where option). Only the 12 UTC messages are listed with the following line.

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls -W 8 -w typicalTime="120000" ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr
    masterTablesVersionNumber  localTablesVersionNumber   rdbType                    rdbSubtype                 rdbtimeYear                rdbtimeMonth               typicalDate                typicalTime                numberOfSubsets            localLatitude              localLongitude             
    0 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr
    0 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_2.bufr
    0 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_3.bufr
    0 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_4.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          70.93                      -8.67                     
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          77                         15.5                      
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          78.92                      11.93                     
    3 of 3 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr
    3 of 7 total messages in 5 files

  3. 1 files

  4. It is allowed to use wildcards in filenames.

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr 

  5. To list only a specific set of keys use the -p option.

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls -p totalLength,bufrHeaderCentre,bufrHeaderSubCentre ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr 

  6. To list only a subset of messages use the -w (where option). Only the 12 UTC messages are listed with the following line.

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls -w typicalTime="120000" ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr

  7. All the non-12 UTC messages are listed as follows:

    Code Block
    >   bufr_ls -w typicalTime!="120000"
    All the non-12 UTC messages are listed as follows:
    Code Block
    >   bufr_ls -W 8 -w dataCategory!="120000" ../data/bufr/syno_*.bufr
    masterTablesVersionNumber  localTablesVersionNumber   rdbType                    rdbSubtype                 rdbtimeYear                rdbtimeMonth               typicalDate                typicalTime                numberOfSubsets            localLatitude              localLongitude             
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2012                       10                         20121030                   000000                     1                          7.45                       151.83                    
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_1.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2012                       10                         20121030                   000000                     1                          7.45                       151.83                    
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_2.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          3                          2012                       10                         20121030                   000000                     1                          -15.93                     -5.67                     
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_3.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2012                       10                         20121030                   000000                     1                          54.18                      7.9                       
    1 of 1 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_4.bufr
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          70.93                      -8.67                     
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          77                         15.5                      
    13                         1                          1                          1                          2009                       1                          20090124                   120000                     1                          78.92                      11.93                     
    3 of 3 messages in ../data/bufr/syno_multi*.bufr
    7 of 7 total messages in 5 files

  8. To list only the second message from a BUFR file:

    Code Block
    >  bufr_ls -w count=2 ../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr