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    • Journal of Hydrometeorology, 
    • Water Resources Research,
    • Water,
    • Remote Sensing of Environment, 
    • Remote Sensing,
    • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 
    • Meteorological Applications,
    • Climate Dynamics,
    • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
    • Hydrological Processes, 
    • Journal of Hydrology, 
    • Journal of Geophysical Research,
    • International Journal of Digital Earth,
    • Journal of Climate,
    • Advances in Water Resources,
    • Geophysical Research Letters,
    • Geoscientific Model Development
    • Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
    • International Journal of Geo-Information
    • Hydrological Sciences Journal
    • Hydrology (MDPI)
    • Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
    • Atmosphere (MDPI)
    • Sensors (MDPI)
    • Land (MDPI)
    • Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (EGU)
    • Environmental International
    • International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformations
    • Agricultural Water Management
    • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    • Agronomy (MDPI)
    • Earth System Science Data (ESSD)
    • MethodsX
    • Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
    • The Cryosphere
    • IEEE-Access
    • Journal of Environmental Management
    • Geo-Spatial Information Science
    • The Statistical Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS) 
    • International Journal of Climatology
    • Journal of Atmospherics and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
    • Heliyon
    • Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
    • Advances in Space Research

Guest Editor


    • BBC Berkshire Radio, May 2011. “Exceptional drought in UK”,
    • ABC journal, Feb 2017 "What is Copernicus?"
    • Canal Sur Radio, 5 Sept 2022, program "El Mirador de Andalucía". Interview by journalist Natalia Barnés about 'Extreme weather during the summer in Europe'. Audio here. Mp3 - Free interface icons
    • Castilla la Mancha TV, 13 Sept 2022, Castilla La Mancha despierta. Interview by journalist Ana Isabel Albares about 'Extreme Heats and Droughts in the summer'. Video here
    • Podcast "Carne Cruda", from Interview by Javier Gallego about 'Extreme droughts in Spain'. Audio hereMp3 - Free interface icons
    • Canal Sur Radio, Marzo 2023 "New records of SST"
    • TV3 by journalist Giorgina Pujol, Apr 2024 "European State of the Climate 2023". Video here Image Removed   
    • Radio Catalunya by journalist Celia Forment, Apr 2024 "European State of the Climate 2023"
    • La Vanguardia by journalist Antonio Cerrillo, Apr 2024 "European State of the Climate 2023". Article here Article - Free web icons
    • EITB by journalist Olatz Arrieta Barandiran: "Behind the Climate Bulletins", May 2024. Video here Image Added 

Outreach presentations

    • "Climate Change", May 2016. Edelweis Secondary School, Valencia
    • "Copernicus C3S and CAMS Services for Ozone monitoring". Conmemoración 30th anniversary Montreal Protocol, 14 Sept 2017, Agencia Nacional de Meteorología, Madrid, Spain
      Youtube video here. Media article here.
    • "El Servicio de Cambio Climático (C3S) de Copernicus. Indicadores de Cambio Climático & Productos para medios de comunicación." VI Seminario de la Asociación de Comunicadores de Meteorología ACOMET: "La Comunicación del Cambio Climático en España: Atribuciones", 9-10 June 2018, Fundación CaixaForum, Madrid, Spain. (Full presentation webcasted: , Web article ).
    • Climathon Burjassot, Valencia, July 2018
    • Webinario "C3S: El Servicio de Cambio Climático de Copérnicus", Copernicus Central America Initiative, 09 Feb 2022. Full presentation

Seminars and Lectures

    • A full list of seminar and lectures can be found here

Other contributions

    • Launch of the Copernicus Health Hub; contribution of the Climate Change Service, 14 Jun 2023, Valencia, Spain. Video here (from 3:13:10)
