Downloadable from our Releases page.
Changes for Version 2.19.0:
- [ECC-1137] - BUFR performance: use fixed-length strings for descriptor name and units
- [ECC-1143] - CMake: Migration to ecbuild v3.4
- [ECC-1124] - Python 2 support: CMake option ENABLE_PYTHON should be OFF by default
- [ECC-1142] - CMake: add option to build tools (ON by default)
- [ECC-1128] - Reduce size of executables
- [ECC-1145] - GRIB: Add parameter representing "liquid water content in snow pack"
- [ECC-1155] - GRIB: New CAPE and CIN parameters
- [ECC-935] - GRIB2: Change encoding of snow depth parameter 141
- [ECC-1122] - BUFR: Fix the keys for the mars namespace
- [ECC-1123] - CARRA (non UERRA) parameters (bunch 1)
- [ECC-1135] - Add new parameters for latitude and longitude for use with unstructured grids
- [ECC-1147] - GRIB2: Remove typeOfFirstFixedSurface from paramId 228141
- [ECC-1149] - GRIB: Add new fire parameters
- [ECC-1153] - Originating Centre: New WMO code 291 for IAP CAS
- [ECC-566] - multi-threading improvements
- [ECC-1126] - BUFR: ECMWF Local use section key 'ident' should be trimmed[ECC-1128] - Reduce size of executables
- [ECC-1148] - BUFR decoding: better error message when descriptors overflow the data section
- [ECC-1150] - GRIB keys 'lowerLimit' and 'upperLimit' cannot be MISSING
- [ECC-1151] - GitHub CI: use same branch of ecbuild