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    ECMWF has developed a C GRIB API for encoding, decoding and data manipulation in GRIB-2 format. All TIGGE parameters should be recognized through GRIB_API.
  • grib2_to_netcdf
    grib2_to_netcdf is an NCAR  conversion utility built on the ECMWF GRIB_API and Unidata NetCDF libraries. The utility converts regular lat/lon gridded TIGGE data from GRIB-2 to NetCDF format.

Other External tools

  • TIGGE Museum
    The museum includes a set of scripts to download TIGGE data, and plot it (using GrADS ) in file TIGGE_sample.tar.gz - available directly from here.
  • Cyclone XML tools
    Tools for use with Cyclone XML data are available from the CAWCR CXML website.
  • NCAR Tools
    • NCL
      The NCAR Command Language (NCL) is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization. NCL has robust file input and output with support for NetCDF, HDF, GRIB-1 and GRIB-2 file formats, including support for all published TIGGE GRIB-2 parameters.
      NCL is provided with a couple of useful command line tools:
      • ncl_filedump - prints the contents of supported files in a netCDF-like view.
      • ncl_convert2nc - converts one or more files in any of the supported formats to netCDF formatted files.
    • PyNGL and PyNIO

      PyNGL and PyNIO provide a Python interface to most of the NCL tool tools and its functionality, with an emphasis on high quality 2D visualizations. PyNIO, in particular supports TIGGE GRIB-2 with the functionality provided by NCL.
    • MET
      Model EvaluationTools (MET) is a suite of software utilities designed by NCAR Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) to the provide the capability to verify validate model forecasts using observational model validation data.

    TIGGE Museum
    The museum includes a set of scripts to download TIGGE data, and plot it (using GrADS ) in file TIGGE_sample.tar.gz - available directly from here. Cyclone XML tools
    Tools for use with Cyclone XML data are available from the CAWCR CXML website
  • NOAA Tools
    • NCEP tools for GRIB-2
      National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) provides a generalized set of codes for encoding, decoding and data manipulation in GRIB-2 format. Many TIGGE parameters will not be recognized using's NCEP's GRIB-2 table definitions.
    • wgrib2
      Climate Prediction Center (CPC) provides a tool (wgrib2) for examining and manipulating GRIB-2 files. Many TIGGE parameters will not be recognized using wgrib2. A mofified version of wgrib2 designed to read all TIGGE parameters can be downloaded here: tiggewgrib2.tar (only tested on Sun OS 2.10, and Linux).
    • ncBrowse
      ncBrowse is a GUI based tool that can be used to visualize TIGGE NetCDF data.
  • Unidata tools
    • GEMPAK provides functionality for analysis of GRIB-2 data.
    • GRIB Java Decoder provides file manipulation functionality.
    • Unidata IDV is a GUI based tool that can be used to visualize both NetCDF and GRIB-2 data.
  • NASA tool: 

    • Panoply is a GUI based tool that can be used to visualize TIGGE NetCDF data and easily compute/plot zonal averages.

Algorithms for TIGGE diagnostics
