The forecast time step in hours from the forecast base time:


E.g. fields specified with type=fc, time=12, step=6 verify at 18:00 on the same forecast base date.


step=240                           # step 240

step=6/12/18/24        # steps 6, 12, 18, 24

step=6/to/24/by/6 # steps 6, 12, 18, 24

step =12-36                    # a step range to specify a product valid for the step interval 12 - 36

The step also specifies the length of the forecast which verifies at First Guess time.


The forecast time step in hours from the forecast base time:


Valid values are hours  from forecast base time.


step=240                          # step 240

step=6/12/18/24        # steps 6, 12, 18, 24

step=6/to/24/by/6 # steps 6, 12, 18, 24

step =12-36                    # a step range to specify a product valid for the step interval 12 - 36