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Draft document.

It needs to be reviewed (by MetOffice, Craig MacLachlan). I have just updated some details (name, first operational date) but the main of the changes needs to be done (I guess, table 3.1 essentially) Please review it carefully to fill in all the relevant details

Page restrictions need to be disabled (so it becomes a public page) Simona Briceag when Craig has finished reviewing. The parent page would also need to be edited to add the link to this page

This Warning needs to be removed

1. Forecast system version

System name: GloSea5-GC2-LI

First operational forecast run:  2 April 2019

2. Configuration of the forecast model

Is it a coupled model?  Yes: Atmosphere, land, ocean and sea-ice.

Coupling frequency: 3-hourly coupling between atmosphere-land and ocean--sea-ice.

The coupled model Global Coupled 2 (GC2) is described in Williams et al, 2015.

2.1 Atmosphere and land surface


Met Office Unified Model (UM) - Global Atmosphere 6.0

Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) - Global Land 6.0

Horizontal resolution and gridN216: 0.83 degrees x 0.56 degrees (approx 60km in mid-latitudes)
Atmosphere vertical resolution85 levels
Top of atmosphere85km
Soil levels


Level 1 : 0 - 0.1 m

Level 2 : 0.1 - 0.35

Level 3 : 0.35 - 1.0 m

Level 4 : 1.0 - 3.0 m

Time step15 minutes

Detailed documentation:

JULES documentation

Global Atmosphere 6.0 & Global Land 6.0: Walters et al, 2017

2.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean model

NEMO v3.4 - Global Ocean 5.0

Horizontal resolutionORCA 0.25
Vertical resolutionL75
Time step22.5 minutes
Sea ice modelCICE v4.1 - Global Sea-Ice 6.0
Sea ice model resolutionORCA 0.25
Sea ice model levels5 categories + open water
Wave modelN/A
Wave model resolutionN/A

Detailed documentation: NEMO documentation, CICE documentation

Global Ocean 5.0: Megann et al, 2014

Global Sea Ice 6.0: Rae et al, 2015.

3. Initialization and initial condition (IC) perturbations

3.1 Atmosphere and land

Atmosphere initialization
ERA-InterimMet Office Global Hybrid 4D-VAR
Atmosphere IC perturbationsNoneNone

Land Initialization

Climatology/ERA-InterimClimatology/Met Office Global Hybrid 4D-VAR
Land IC perturbationsNoneNone
Soil moisture initializationClimatologyClimatology
Snow initializationERA-InterimMet Office Global 4D-VAR
Unperturbed control forecast?NoNo

Detailed documentation:

Met Office Global Hybrid 4D-VAR: Clayton et al, 2013

3.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean initializationGloSea Ocean Sea-Ice Analysis (GS-OSIA)Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM)
Ocean IC perturbationsNoNo
Unperturbed control forecast?NoNo

Detailed documentation:

The GS-OSIA and the FOAM system both use the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean data assimilation system (NEMOVAR). This is a 3d-VAR data assimilation scheme. The GS-OSIA uses different surface forcing (ERA-interim) and observation sets as it is a historical analysis. FOAM uses surface forcing from the Met Office Global NWP model and real-time observations.

The common NEMOVAR system is described in Blockley et al, 2014. Details of the GS-OSIA can be found in MacLachlan et al, 2015.

4. Model uncertainties perturbations:

Model dynamics perturbationsNone
Model physics perturbationsAtmosphere stochastic physics scheme, SKEB2

If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed?

No control

Detailed documentation:

SKEB2: Bowler et al, 2009

5. Forecast system and hindcasts

Forecast frequencydaily
Forecast ensemble size2 per day
Hindcast years23 (1993-2015)
Hindcast ensemble size28 (4 start dates, 7 per start date)
Hindcast start dates9, 17, 25 of month - 1 & 1 of month 0
On-the-fly or static hindcast set?on-the-fly

6. Where to find more information

GloSea5 system:

Model description references:

Initialisation references:


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