Emoslib is one of the packages that will not be migrated to Bologna - New Data Centre. Please start considering using the alternatives suggested.

As part of the retirement of EMOSLIB, access to the current location of the BUFR tables is to be closed. When this happens, any existing program or tool using EMOSLIB for the BUFR decoding/encoding will stop working. This should raise awareness of the places in your workflow that need your attention.


The session is scheduled for Wednesday 11 September 2019 at 10:00 UTC


The platforms affected are:

  • All clusters in our High Performance Computing Facility, mainly CCA and CCB
  • Linux Clusters
  • Linux Desktops

Actions to take

If you are currently using emoslib for the BUFR decoding, you will need to migrate those to ecCodes at some point. However, to continue working with the existing tools or code base as they are, there are two alternatives:

Recommended option

Rebuild your program with the new standalone BUFRDC package. This is the preferred option to make sure your program works well with the package that will be installed in the future platforms. Note that you 

module load bufrdc

The standalone bufrdc library is not installed for older compilers. You may need to switch to more recent compilers in order to use it.

If in a rush or causing operational problems...

You may temporarily keep the existing executables, libraries and tools as they are, but you need load the emos_bufr_tables module before running them. This will make the BUFR tables available for them. 

module load emos_bufr_tables

The  emos_bufr_tables is a compatibility module that will not be ported to future platforms. You should start the migration to ecCodes, or at least make sure you can use the bufrdc standalone package.

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