The CAMS analysis o-suite (experiment h72g running at tco399, L137) was started on 2019-09-01, with an e-suite period from 20181128 to 20190831. Main new feature are:

  • New IFS cycle 46R1  (branch cxjb_CY46R1_CAMSfixes_GHG)
  • Inclusion of IASI CO2 in monitoring only as it needs validation first before assimilation.

  • The assimilation of CH4 IASI has been extended to extratropical latitudes. To avoid assimilation over antarctica, data is blacklisted south of 60S.
  • New  CAMS-GLOB-ANTv2.1 anthropogenic CO2 and CH4 emissions from 2018 (monthly mean files).
  • Roedenbeck et al. (2013) CO2 air-sea monthly fluxes for 2017 (Jena-CarboScope v1.6 based on SOCAT data).
  • CO2 initial conditions of e-suite  (20181128) from a cyclic forecast experiment (h6ms) initialised from CAMS CO2 inversion product on 20180831.
  • CH4 initial conditions of e-suite (20181128) from o-suite analysis gwx3.

Satellite data usage for atmospheric composition

Assimilated:GOSAT XCO2
Monitored:IASI CO2
Assimilated:GOSAT XCH4, IASI CH4

Changes introduced during production affecting the quality of the products

 real dateexp datedescription of change

Change in GOSAT XCH4 stream from SRON old operational stream (processed up to D*+3)

to new fast stream with processing chain operating 4 times a day and providing data within D*+1 (80% KPI).

The new fast stream also uses the latest version of CO2 CarbonTracker (2017) resulting in a reduced CO2 extrapolation error and slightly lower XCH4 bias.

Flux updates

real dateexp datedescription of change

Changes in GHG observations

real dateexp datedescription of change
2020010520200101-20200108GOSAT XCH4 data from SRON: Due to an annual transition bug in bias correction, the L2 products delivered between January 1st and 8th have no good quality observations. This bug was fixed at 9th January

Changes introduced during e-suite phase

exp date
description of change
bug fix in get_gems_surface (timeint of monthly CO2APF fluxes should be performed every time). Previously the exp was using a fixed date since 20190401 (re-start date) and before date 20190101.

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