
RESOL is superseded by the two keywords TRUNCATION and INTGRID.

Specifies the desired triangular truncation of retrieved data, before carrying out any other selected post-processing.


The default is automatic truncation (auto), by which the lowest resolution compatible with the value specified in grid is automatically selected for the retrieval (see Truncation before interpolation).

Users wanting to perform post-processing from full spectral resolution should specify Archived Value (av). The following are examples of existing resolutions found in the archive: 63, 106, 159, 213, 255, 319, 399, 511, 799 or 1279. This keyword has no meaning/effect if the archived data is not in spherical harmonics representation.

For applications requiring VarEPS products starting from or spanning step T+240, users wishing to obtain products interpolated to regular lat/lon grids are advised to have the products from Leg 1 truncated to the N128 grid prior to interpolation to their choice of lat/lon grid. This can be achieved by specifying resol=N128 (or reduced gaussian 128) which will reduce the resolution to N128 prior to further interpolation to regular grids.