This is what the tool grib_get_data provides: A list of latitude-longitude-value triplets for a GRIB message. Note that you can also use the API to access this functionality: See examples.
This is also called a geo iterator (as opposed to the keys iterator)
This iterator is only for grid-point data: For example it does not make sense for spherical harmonic coefficients.
Also it is not implemented for all grid types. At the time of writing only the following are supported:
- Regular latitude/longitude
- Rotated latitude/longitude
- Regular Gaussian
- Reduced latitude/longitude
- Reduced Gaussian
- Lambert conformal
- Lambert azimuthal equal area
- Polar stereographic
- Mercator
- Space view
If the iterator is not implemented for an input field, grib_get_data prints just the data values (without the latitude/longitudes).
The full list of grid types are listed here: GRIB edition 1 and GRIB edition 2.
There are also some useful keys which use this iterator:
: An array with all the latitudes of the grid pointslongitudes
: An array with all the longitudes of the grid pointslatLonValues
: An array with all the latitudes/longitudes/values for each point of the grid
e.g. (lat1,lon1,value1, lat2,lon2,value2,..., latN,lonN,valueN)
The length of this array is 3 times the length of the previous two.