The CAMS NRT research e-suite for CY47R2_CAMS (experiment hifh, class rd) was started on 2021-01-14 for the analysis cycle 2021010100. This e-suite  runs at T511L137. Main features (with new items in italics) are:

  • 120 h long forecast from 00UTC and 12UTC
  • IFS model resolution TL511L137
  • 4D-Var minimisations at TL95 and TL159, using 12h 4D-Var and VarBC
  • 4D-Var analysis windows from 15-3UTC and 3-15UTC
  • IFS-CB05-AER
  • coupled ocean (NEMO) in ORCA025_Z75 configuration
  • interactive ozone and aerosol in the radiation code
  • CAMS_GLOB_BIO v1.0 climatological biogenic emissions
  • CAMS_GLOB_ANT v4.2 anthropogenic emissions, excluding agricultural waste burning (AWB) to avoid double-counting with GFAS
  • Volcanic outgassing emissions, based on Carn et al. (2017) - reduced for certain volcanoes based on recent observations
  • Hybrid Linear Ozone (HLO) scheme for stratospheric ozone
  • GFASv1.4 fire emissions (retaining cap for organic matter as in previous cycles)
  • Cap on anthropogenic primary OM emissions
  • Increased numerical precision in emission input files
  • Forecast (but not analysis) running with single precision arithmetic for computational efficiency

This is the research-mode counterpart to the pre-operational e-suite 0075 under class "mc", which has forecast-only "control run" hj7b (plus a variant using climatological aerosol and ozone in radiation, hj88).

(The earlier control run hig6, and climatological counterpart hige, had a minor bug in their initialisation, and so were replaced by the above and retired at the implementation of 47r2.)

Satellite data usage for atmospheric composition (to be completed)

Assimilated:AQUA MODIS, TERRA MODIS (including Deep Blue data), PMAp-A, PMAp-B
Assimilated:SBUV/2 21-layer, OMI, MLS, GOME-2A, GOME-2B, OMPS

Carbon Monoxide
Assimilated:IASI-A, IASI-B, MOPITT

Monitored:GOME-2A, GOME-2B

Assimilated:GOME-2A, GOME-2B

MonitoredGOME-2A, GOME-2B

Changes introduced during production affecting the quality of the products

real dateexp datedescription of change
202101142021010100Start of research e-suite, initialised from first version of mc/0075, and using CY47R2.20210111 bundle module
202103092021030712Temporarily disabled sst fgcheck on error as per operational suite

Blacklist changes (to be completed)

real date  expdatedescription of change

Blacklist directory /home/rd/ecgems/data/47r2/an/