The societal impact of the snow event on Friday 1st March in Spain was rather high. Here below an extract from 'El Mundo' (C. Valenciana, actualizado 17.28 CET):
La nieve deja atrapados a vehículos, suspende clases y cierra 11 carreteras
- 11 carreteras permanecen cortadas al tráfico y en 24 se precisan cadenas
- La nieve ha superado con creces el metro de altura en puntos de Castellón
The Spanish Meteorological Service (AEMET) issued a red alert 24h ahead of the event. The alert was visible on the MeteoAlarm website and re-tweeted many times:
The snowfall EFI had a very strong signal 3 days ahead of the event as indicated in the plot below (left). The 90th percentile of the climate (right) is also displayed as an indication of what an extreme snowfall value of the climate might be.
EFI snowfall (D+3)
90th percentile climate (snowfall)
The EFI signal becomes even strong as the lead time decreases. This is now the snowfall EFI one day ahead of the event:
EFI snowfall (D+1)