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Access is still restricted to a selected number of alpha users

You can connect for the first time via SSH from another ECMWF platform.

$> ssh aa
# or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
$> ssh ecs

Direct access from outside ECMWF through ECACCESS or Teleport is not available yet. However, if using the latter a chained ProxyJump could be configured as an interim measure

Example snippet of ~/.ssh/config with chained ProxyJump
Host aa ecs
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardX11Timeout 0
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    # Temporary extra jump through ecgate until direct access is sorted

Upon logging in, please take a look at the message of the day displayed on the login nodes (or review /etc/motd). 

Password access

If you have not changed your password since 18 January 2021, password access may not work.

Password-less access from / to other platforms

If connecting from a different platform and to enable password-less connections and transfers between different platforms, you will need to enable ssh key authentication.

  1. Check if you have an existing rsa key pair on other ECMWF platforms:

    $> ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
    ~/.ssh/id_rsa    ~/.ssh/ 

    If you don't, you may generate them like so:

    $> ssh-keygen -t rsa                          # press 'enter' 3 more times
  2. Make sure it is added into the different platforms to be used

    If the key was already present in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, it will be duplicated.

    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ecgate
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ cca
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ aa
    # or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ecs
  3. Copy also your private key onto those platforms so you can make the connections in both directions:

    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa cca:.ssh/
    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa aa:.ssh/
    # or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa ecs:.ssh/

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