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took information for EFAS from the following pages: EFAS static data & Static data files

In order to interpret CEMS-Flood (EFAS & GloFAS) output in a correct way, you will need various auxiliary data, also referred to as 'static' data. These data are part of the EFAS and GloFAS setups of the LISFLOOD model.

EFAS Auxiliary Data

EFAS upstream area

These files denote the total upstream area for each river pixel, expressed in m2. This is defined as the catchment area for each river segment, meaning the total area that contributes with water to the river at the specific grid point. The upstream area always includes the area of the pixel. The upstream area is provided in the netCDF file if you retrieve the data from CDS and choose the format netCDF. You can also download the upstream area file as netCDF below

VersionsVersion DateFile
EFAS version 3.0 and below

Version 2.0 Released 2018-10-10 12 UTC

Version 3.0 Released 2019-05-13 12 UTC

EFAS version 3.5*Version 3.5 Released 2020-03-05 12 UTC
EFAS version 4.0Version 4.0 Released 2020-10-14 12 UTC

The river network changed slightly for EFAS version 3.5, therefore there is a new upstreams area file.

EFAS orography

This file denotes the mean elevation for each pixel in the EFAS domain, expressed in m above sea level. The file can be downloaded as a netCDF file here:

EFAS Soil Moisture Index

The auxiliary/static files you need to calculate soil moisture index are here.

EFAS Horizontal Resolution

LISFLOOD projection

The LISFLOOD operational model is setup over Europe with the spatial resolution of 5 * 5 km with the geographical projection is the INSPIRE compliant ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Coordinate Reference System (ETRS-LAEA). ETRS-LAEA is a single projected coordinate reference system for the pan-European area. It is based on the ETRS89 geodetic datum and the GRS80 ellipsoid, and is the recommended projection for pan-European statistical mapping at all scales or for other purposes where true area representation is required. Its defining parameters can be found here.

Proj4 format: Proj4js.defs["EPSG:3035"] = " +proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs "

GloFAS Auxiliary Data

take information for GloFAS from the following pages: GloFAS available data (upstream area)

GloFAS upstream area

In order to interpret the GloFAS output in a correct way, you will need static data that describes the model setup. This file denotes the total upstream area for each river pixel, expressed in m2. The upstream area is defined as the catchment area for each river segment, in other words, the total area that contributes water to the river at the specific grid point. The upstream area always includes the area of the pixel. You can download the upstream area file as a netCDF file here: upArea (1).nc.

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