GRIB messages whose packingType is "grid_complex_spatial_differencing" are not fully supported in Metview computations. Therefore it is recommended to convert this data into "grid_simple" packing. This can done in Metview from version 5.17.0 using grib_set:
Python code:
f = mv.grib_set(f, ["packingType", "grid_simple"], repack=True)
Macro code:
f = grib_set(f, ["packingType", "grid_simple"], "repack")
In older Metview versions the repack option is not available, so the same conversion has to be done outside Metview using ecCodes command line tools (see here).
Shahram Najm
There is also this extra key to be set
So the full command in ecCodes would be:
grib_set -r -s bitmapPresent=
,packingType=grid_simple in.grib out.grib
Sandor Kertesz
Why do we need that? I mean it is only needed for certain types of "grid_complex_spatial_differencing" fields, not for all.