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Edit the file ~/.ssh/config on your computer and add the snippet below. You may create it if it does not exist. You should replace ecmwfusername by your registered ECMWF user and by your registered email address at ECMWF.

SSH config snippet in ~/.ssh/config
Host a?-* a??-* hpc-* hpc2020-* ecs-*
  User ecmwfusername 
  IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/
  CertificateFile ~/.tsh/keys/
  HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa*,rsa-sha2-512
  PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa*
  ServerAliveInterval 60
  TCPKeepAlive yes

Host a?-* a??-* hpc-* hpc2020-* ecs-*

Not sure about username and email?

You can find the right values for those two parameters in the output of the tsh command:

% tsh login
> Profile URL:
Logged in as:
Logins: ecmwfusername
Kubernetes: disabled
Valid until: 2022-12-13 20:54:18 +0000 GMT [valid for 3h56m0s]
Extensions: permit-X11-forwarding, permit-agent-forwarding, permit-port-forwarding, permit-pty  

Once you have configured that, any ssh-based tools such as ssh, scp or rsync should work out of the box without any additional options.

To test the connection you may ssh into hpc-login if you have access to ECMWF's HPCF:

% ssh hpc-login

Or alternatively, if you only have access to ECMWF ECS service:

% ssh ecs-login

Visit our HPCF User Guide for further information.


ProxyJump keyword not available on old Linux versions

If using an Operating System with OpenSSH older than 7.3, you will not be able to use the ProxyJump feature. The typical error would be something like:

% ssh hpc-login
/home/user/.ssh/config: line 10: Bad configuration option: proxyjump

You must then replace the line

Host a?-* a??-* hpc-* hpc2020-* ecs-*


Host a?-* a??-* hpc-* hpc2020-* ecs-*
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa* -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa*,rsa-sha2-512 -i ~/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p

You should replace ecmwfusername by your registered ECMWF user and by your registered email address at ECMWF.

If everything else fails...

If you cannot connect via SSH and cannot manage to understand why, please raise an issue to our ECMWF Support portal and sending us the output of the commands:

tsh login
ssh -v ecs-login

You should also include information about your computer (Operating system and teleport version) to help us narrow down the problem.

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