Atmospheric general circulation component
Table 1a: Key characteristics of the atmospheric component of the IFS based on Cycle 49r1
| Forecast / Analysis | Number of members | Horizontal resolution | Vertical levels | Pressure at model top (hPa) | Perturbation models | |
CTRL (former HRES) Atmospheric Model control forecast | Forecast
| 1 |
| 0.01 hPa | No | ||
ENS Ensemble - Atmospheric Model | Forecast
| 51 |
| 137 | 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) | |
ENS Sub-seasonal Atmospheric Model Sub-seasonal forecast | Forecast
| 51 |
| 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) | ||
4DVAR 4-Dimensional data assimilation
| Analysis | 1 |
| 0.01 hPa | No | ||
EDA Ensemble of data assimilations | Analysis | 51 |
| 0.01 hPa | Yes (5) | ||
SEAS5 2017 version Cycle 43r1 Seasonal forecast | Forecast
| 51 15 |
| 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) |
Ensemble and seasonal re-forecasts
Table 1b: Key characteristics of the ENS and SEAS re-forecasts of the ECMWF IFS
| Forecast/Analysis | Number of members | Horizontal resolution | Vertical levels | Pressure at model top (hPa) | Perturbation models | Number of years | |
ENS medium range |
| 11 |
| 137 | 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) | Most recent 20 | |
ENS sub-seasonal range |
| 11 |
| 137 | 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) | Most recent 20 | |
SEAS5 Cycle 43r1 Seasonal forecast | Forecast
| 25 15 |
| 0.01 hPa | Yes (4) | 36 (1981-2016) |
Ocean general and sea ice
Table 1c: Key characteristics of the ocean component general circulation models of the ECMWF IFS
| Forecast/Analysis | Number of members | Horizontal resolution ORCA grid | Vertical levels |
NEMO (LIM-2) | Forecast
| 51 | 0.25° | 75 |
| Analysis Reanalysis | 5 | 0.25° | 75 |
Ocean-wave component
Table 1d: Key characteristics of the ocean-wave component of the ECMWF IFS
Forecast/Analysis | Domain | Number of members | Horizontal resolution | |
Ocean Wave coupled to the atmospheric model | Analysis and forecast
| Global | 1 |
ENS-WAM medium range Ensemble wave medium range forecast | Forecast
| Global | 51 |
ENS-WAM sub-seasonal range Ensemble wave sub-seasonal forecast | Forecast
| Global | 51 |
Seasonal wave forecast | Forecast
| Global | 51 |
Atmospheric and Ocean-wave reanalysis ERA5
ERA5, based on IFS Cycle 41r2, is used to initialise ensemble reforecasts.
Forecast/Analysis | Number of members | Horizontal resolution | Vertical levels | Pressure at model top (hPa) | Perturbation models | ||
ERA5 Atmospheric high resolution reanalysis |
| 1 |
| 137 | 0.01 | No | |
ERA5 EDA Atmospheric reduced resolution ensemble |
| 10 |
| 137 | 0.01 | Yes (5) | |
ERA5 wave Ocean wave model (WAM) reanalysis |
| 1 | 0.36 degrees | 1 | - | No | |
ERA5 wave EDA Ocean wave reduced resolution ensemble |
| 10 | 1.0 degrees | 1 | - | Yes (5) |
4D-Var data available for all the 4 entries.
(1) Native: as produced by the model on reduced Gaussian grids or spherical harmonics.
(2) Interpolated to lat/lon
(3) Native: as produced by the model on reduced lat/lon grids.
(4) in analysis and model physics
(5) in observations and model physics
1 Comment
Kathy Maskell
This page of information was previously on the website under the 'About our forecasts' section. Working with Tim Hewson, Helen Setchell, David Armstrong and Hilda Carr, the 'About our forecasts' web content was updated in March 2023 and this page of information about forecast configurations was felt to fit better on confluence, within the Forecast User space.