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Contributors: A. Troccoli (WEMC), L. Sanger (WEMC), C. Goodess (WEMC), J. Ogonji (WEMC), L. Dubus (WEMC), R. Vautard F Pons (CEA), X. Jin (CEA), G. Levavasseur (CEA), R. Legrand (MF), L. Grigis (MF), S. Martinoni-Lapierre (MF), C. Viel (MF), S. Parey (EDF), B. Oueslati (EDF), Y-M. Saint-Drenan (ASSOCIATION POUR LA RECHERCHE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DES METHODES ET PROCESSUS INDUSTRIELS, ARMINES, FRANCE), J. Mendes (MO), J. Osborne (MO), G.Guentchev (MO)

Table of Contents



Datasets of Solar PhotoVoltaic Power (SPV) are computed through a mix of physical and statistical model. SPV capacity factor (CFR) is defined as the ratio of actual generation over installed capacity (sum of the peak capacity of all PV systems installed in the region of interest). The solar PV capacity factor is calculated at grid point level. It is important to highlight that this quantity does not represent the power production of a single PV system. Instead, it is designed to represent the aggregated production of the PV plant installed in each pixel. For this purpose, the power production of a PV system is calculated from the meteorological data (GHI and 2 m temperature) for different module orientations taking a reference PV plant model and using empirical models of the main parts of a PV system (optical losses, module, inverter). These different power values are then aggregated assuming a distribution of the different module orientations for the considered location. The distribution of module orientation is dependent on the location via the optimal tilt angle using a parameterization developed in the C3S ECEM contract.

SPV is available for three streams:

Historical: This dataset is based on the ERA5 (for GHI and 2 m air temperature) at 0.25° resolution. Averages for NUTS0 (country) and NUTS2 (sub-country) areas are also available.

Seasonal Forecasts: This dataset is currently available for ECMWF System 5, Météo-France ARPEGE System 7 and MetOffice GloSEA5 System 14. Seasonal Forecasts are retrieved from the CDS and are subsequently bias adjusted via quantile mapping. The forecast datasets, 1° resolution, are updated monthly when the raw forecast of each system is available. Averages for NUTS0 (country) are also provided.

Projections: This dataset is available for eleven regional climate model (RCM)/global climate model (GCM) combinations for the EURO-CORDEX project (Table 1) and for two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Historical forcing is used from 1979-2005, and RCP forcing from 2006-2100. The original EURO-CORDEX simulations of the needed input variables are retrieved from the producers and are subsequently bias adjusted by applying the Cumulative Distribution Function transform (CDFt) method. Further processing involved interpolation to a standard 0.25° latitude/longitude grid, and averages for NUTS0 (country) and NUTS2 (sub-country)
areas are also available.


SPV as capacity factor: unitless, labelled as CFR in the output files. SPV as energy: MWh, labelled as NRG in the output files.

SPV as mean power: MW, labelled as PWR in the output files.

Data will eventually be available via the C3S Energy/CDS demonstrator.

Data format

Gridded data (0.25° for HIST and PROJ, 1° for SEAS): NetCDF

NUTS0, NUTS2, MAR0 and MAR1 averages: CSV


Solar PhotoVoltaic Power (SPV).

PV power, regional PV, Capacity Factor, Power, Energy, solar.


Dataset coverage

Geographic area

C3S Energy domain is: 26.5° N to 72.5° N by 22.0° W to 45.5° E.

Temporal resolution

Historical: 1-hour time step as accumulated value. Averages for daily, monthly, seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) and annual are also computed for NUTS0 and NUTS2 mean values.

Seasonal Forecasts: 24-hour time step as accumulated value (gridded data). Averages for monthly, seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) and annual are also computed for NUTS0 mean values.

Projections: 3-hour time step as accumulated value (gridded data). Daily NUTS0 and NUTS2 averages are also computed.

Time period

Historical: 1979 to present (ca. 1 month behind real time); updated every month based on ERA5T data availability.

Seasonal Forecasts: The hindcasts cover the period 1993-2016 for the three models used by C3S Energy: ECMWF Sys5, Météo-France Sys7 and UK Met Office Sys14. ECMWF has all the month, MTFR SY07 currently covers October to April with the rest of the months to be completed by mid- May 2020 as this is a new system. METO SY14 ranges from June to April (notice that METO SY14 is a rolling release model, hindcast have to be computed each months). The forecasts updated have been run every month from the first month of availability in the current version on the CDS:

Forecast availability

Forecast horizon


From January 2017

215 days (24-hourly time steps)


From October 2019

211 days (24-hourly time steps)

METO Sys14

From June 2019

215 days (24-hourly time steps)

Projections: 1980 to 2098 (common period), with historical forcing to 2005, then RCP forcing.

Spatial resolution

Historical: 0.25° by 0.25° latitude/longitude. Data are also available as averages for more than 30 European countries (NUTS0) and ca. 350 NUTS2 areas.

Seasonal Forecasts: 1° by 1° latitude/longitude. The underlying forecast systems run at different resolutions. Data are also available as averages for more than 30 European countries as NUTS0 areas.

Projections: 0.25° by 0.25° latitude/longitude. Data are also available as averages for more than 30 European countries (NUTS0) and ca. 350 NUTS2 areas.



Saint-Drenan YM, Wald L, Ranchin T, Dubus L, Troccoli A (2018) An approach for the estimation of the aggregated photovoltaic power generated in several European countries from meteorological data. Advances in Science and Research, 15, 51-62, available here.

Lineage statement

Original data source

  1. Energy data: the parameter dataset used in the SPV model is taken from the optimal tilt angle disseminated by PV-GIS; ENTSO-E Power Statistics

Historical: ERA5 for climate indicators (solar radiation and air temperature)

Seasonal Forecasts:

i.          ECMWF seasonal forecast system 5 technical description

ii.          Météo-France seasonal forecast system 7 technical description

iii.          Met Office

Projections: EURO-CORDEX Climate indicators (solar radiation and air temperature) available via the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) portal.

Tools used in the production of indicators

Python 3.1 and the following libraries: Pandas, Datetime, Pvlib, numpy

Data Quality

The algorithm used to generate the data has been evaluated in detail against ENTSO-E data using ERA-interim data. The result of this validation can be found in Saint-Drenan et al. (2018). The accuracy of the data generated with ERA5 has been evaluated. A more detailed evaluation of the historical SPV data using the latest ENTSO-E data is in progress.

Table 1: List of the 11 EURO-CORDEX simulations and the institutes that provided the data.

Short name

Driving GCM


Contact Institute





Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

1951 - 2100




Royal Netherlands National Meteorological Institute (KNMI)

1950 - 2100




Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)

1970 - 2100





1951 - 2098





1970 - 2098




International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

1971 - 2099



WRF 381P

Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)

1951 - 2100





1970 - 2100




Climate Limited-area Modelling Community

1950 - 2100




Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

1951 - 2100




CNRM (Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, Toulouse 31057, France)

1952 - 2100

This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation Agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.

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