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How to get data

  1. via TIGGE-LAM web portal
    - can be used only for small ad hoc data samples retrieval (approximately up-to 20 000 retrieved fields per request)  
  2. via ECMWF access in batch
    -  should be used for most common types of work (big data samples retrievals)

Data  monitoring

  1. data quality monitoring is available here
    -only the first perturbed eps member and control forecast (if exists)are monitored at two chosen forecast leading times (0 and the latest available one common for all monitored datasets)
  2. missing data information can be checked via so called TIGGE-LAM history web page

TIGGE-LAM support mailing list

Description of datasets

 ensemble sizecontrol forecast

forecast length [h]

model runs


model identifier (1)model metadatadata recoverysupport e-mailremarks
AEMET-SREPS    sreps-aemet-eua    
ALADIN-LAEF16yes7200, 12aladinlaef-zamg-euclick here

The input files are backed up at ectmp:/kmw/TIGGELAM for the last 90 days and can be retrieved using ecfsdir command.

All but three TIGGE-LAM parameters (cin, cape, lsp) could be get after some post-processing also from the original ALADIN-LAEF archive in MARS.

The ALADIN-LAEF forecasts can be theoretically rerun for the past 2-3 days  (it depends on the availability of boundary conditions from ECMWF EPS). defined parameters for TIGGE-LAM archive are available.
COSMO-DE-EPS20no2700, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21cosmodeeps-dwd-euclick hereThe input files are get from the provided FTP by ECMWF's acquisition system where it's kept currently for the last 21 days (the actual set up can be checked by TIGGE-LAM support at 
COSMO-LEPS16no13200, 12cosmoleps-arpasimc-euclick hereThe input files are retrieved directly from MARS so can be re-created in any

1) CAPE is non-zero for members 1-8. CAPE is always zero for members 9-16(2)

2) In the present COSMO-LEPS configuration, LSM & orography are not yet perturbed, but they will be in one of the next releases (with different filtering of the orography). Therefore those parameters are stored in TIGGE-LAM archive as of "pf" type.

DMI-HIRLAM25yes6400, 06,  12,  18hirlam-dmi-euclick hereThe input files maintained by the provider are available for last 15 days at (ECMWF) /scratch/ms/dk/nhf/ 
GLAMEPS54no6006, 18glameps-hirlamcons-eu   Multi model ensemble, 1 deterministic + 49 perturbed + 4 control forecasts based on 3 different models
HUNEPS11yes6018aladinhuneps-omsz-euclick here

The input files are get from the provided FTP by ECMWF's acquisition system where it's kept currently for the last 21 days (the actual set up can be checked by TIGGE-LAM support at 
MOGREPS12no3603, 09, 15, 21mogreps-mo-euaclick hereThe input data is available 8 days back at /scratch/ms/gb/zuk2/ 
PEARP35yes5406, 18pearp-mf-euclick here The input files are handled by ECMWF's acquisition for TIGGE-LAM will be a domain cut of global PEARP with high resolution over Europe due to stretching.
SRNWP-PEPS    srnwppeps-dwd-eua    

(1) MARS keyword "origin" defined for TIGGE-LAM archive

(2) This is because of the present configuration of COSMO-LEPS which uses 2 different convection schemes with different implementations, but should change in the future.

The detailed TIGGE-LAM ensemble systems' description will be available soon.

export NETCDF_VERSION=4.1.3 ; use netcdf4

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